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Tactical Turning Point -15M

Hey you nimble dreamers, occupiers, believers, Last May 15, a hundred thousand indignados in Spain seized the squares across their nation, held people’s assemblies and catalyzed a global tactical shift that birthed Occupy Wall Street four months later. Our movement outflanked governments everywhere with a thousand encampments in large part because no one was prepared for Occupy’s magic combination of Spain’ ...

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The 'GlobalMay manifesto' of the Occupy movement

The global Occupy movement wants a better world. Such a world is possible, and here's how.   We are living in a world controlled by forces incapable of giving freedom and dignity to the world's population. A world where we are told "there is no alternative" to the loss of rights gained through the long, hard struggles of our ancestors, and where success is defined in opposition to the most fundamental ...

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15M in Amsterdam

One year ago in Spain, resignation was transformed into indignation and we took to the streets when nobody expected it. The message was clear, "We are not goods in the hands of politicians and bankers". The unprecedented success of a democratic demonstration without any support from political parties, unions and the media inspired a group of brave people to sit at a square in the center of Madrid to decide ...

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Blockupy Frankfurt: European mobilization on May 16-19

This May, the squares will explode in a frenzy of popular resistance against the diktat of finance capital — and Frankfurt will be one of our key battlegrounds. International Solidarity versus Crisis, War & Capitalism  Ready, Steady, Go! Come to Frankfurt. Join the action days from 16th to 19th May 2012:  Fight the dictate of Troika, EU Commission, European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary ...

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A different kind of Europe – Europeanism from below

Paolo Gerbaudo reports on the Routes of Europe conference in Florence, arguing that the Italian left must embrace the participatory democracy of the Indignados to achieve political purchase. The city of Florence is one of those privileged observation spots from which one can read the health of the Italian left and its international standing. Back in 2002 it was in this city that the first European Social Fo ...

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A different kind of Europe – The golden calf of capital

The economics of the elite has as much to do with blind faith as rational argument, says Susan George, so our resistance has to reflect this fact. The Euromemo Group’s recent report is a particularly important and thorough analysis-cum-set of proposals to repair years of self-inflicted damage in the eurozone. Its voice, however welcome, is far from the only one in what has become a mighty chorus. Many respe ...

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Greek protesters attack police after Dimitris Christoulas funeral – video

Ross Domoney   Thousands of people attended the funeral on Saturday of Dimitris Christoulas, who shot himself outside the Greek parliament last week. Afterwards, anti-austerity protesters marched to Syntagma Square, where they clashed with police. A first-aid medic, who did not want to be named, said police were 'losing the monopoly on violence'     Seen at : http://www.alethei ...

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ANNOUNCEMENT – INDICTMENT by the Greek photojournalist Union

ANNOUNCEMENT – INDICTMENT FOR THE BRUTAL ATTACK OF THE POLICE FORCES ON OUR COLLEAGUES AND THE INJURY OF THE PRESIDENT OF EFE  Athens  4/5/2012   The Union of Greek Photojournalists denounces the new brutal and unprovoked attack by the special police forces of MAT against colleagues who were covering yesterday’s rally in Syntagma square, as well as today’s demonstration.  This time victim was the Presi ...

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Spain's general strike shows first signs of rebellion against austerity

Austerity measures look set to become far more dramatic on Friday, when prime minister Mariano Rajoy delivers one of harshest budgets ever seen in Europe. With near-empty railway stations, shut factories, mass marches and occasional outbreaks of violence during a general strike on Thursday, Spaniards showed the first signs of rebellion against the reformist, austerity-preaching conservative government they ...

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EU in crisis: analysis, resistance and alternatives to Corporate Europe

Saturday 5 - Sunday 6 May 2012: Maison des Associations Internationales, Brussels Join us in a two-day conference in Brussels with movements from across Europe to strengthen progressive responses to the EU's crisis. Speakers will include Susan George - Carola Fischbach-Pyttel - Leigh Phillips - Esther Vivas - Mariana Mortágua - Alexis Passadakis - Miren Etxezarreta - Lina Filopoulou - Jakub Patočka - Andy S ...

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