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All electric power to the people! Electricity trade union occupies office for disconnection orders in Athens

By Occupied London. On Sunday, trade unionists of GENOP-DEI, the union of the Public Power Corporation, occupied the building issuing the electricity disconnection orders for households that have failed to pay their bills. As of a few weeks ago, the latest bills now include the latest property tax imposed by the government, typically including hundreds of euros per property, making payment for thousands a n ...

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Solidariteit met GVB werkers

On Sunday 20 of November, public-transport workers of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and the Hague went on a 24-hour strike. The government decided to reduce the funding of public transport by 40%. More than half of the employes currently working in pubic transport will be laid off. At the same time, the service will be more expensive for the citizens and their quality dramatically worsen. In Amsterdam, it is estimat ...

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Solidarity call to Greece for 17th of November from Amsterdam,Brussels and Paris

In Berlin, Paris, Rome, Amsterdam, Madrid and Brussels, different actions will be carried out in solidarity to the Greek people.   Today is the first day of the usual 3-days celebration for the anti-Junta revolt in 1973, in Greece. Back then, students, joined later on by other people, occupied the Polytechnical University in Athens demanding democracy and denouncing the “fake elections” the Junta had o ...

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'Bread, Education, Freedom !' The junta is back to Greece

Documentary and discussion evening 'Bread, Education, Freedom !' The junta is back to Greece Beursplein Occupy Amsterdam Wednesday, November 16 8:30pm - 10:30pm     Thirty seven (37) years after the fall of the dictatorship in Greece, the historical time clock seems to be turning back. Instead of the US-backed military dictatorship of 1967-1974, a new IMF-EU-back economic dictatorship is being est ...

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The Guardian: Student tuition fees protest passes off peacefully

Thousands of students marched through central London on Wednesday to protest against fee increases and were met by large numbers of police but as darkness fell the demonstration appeared to be passing off peacefully. As the protestors made their way through the City there were sporadic incidents involving bottles being thrown. An attempt was made to pitch tents in Trafalgar square but they were moved on qui ...

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No Pay Movement occupies Athens Toll Station

Greece. 30th October 2011   No Pay Movement occupies Athens Toll Station Media Summary About 150 members of the No Pay Movement occupied a toll station in Afidnes for four hours   About 150 members of the No Pay Movement, occupied for 4 hours the toll station in Afidnes, at the entrance and exit of Athens, allowing cars to pass without paying the tolls. From 4:30 to 8:00 pm, thousands of cars pass ...

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Protests on the Greek National day (#oxi)

The 28 October parade in Syntagma 28 October is celebrated on Greece as "ohi day" ("no day") in reference to 28 October 1940, when dictator Metaxas following the Greek people's demand rejected the ultimatum by Benito Mussolini to allow the armies of fascist Italy to invade Greece. The celebrations are normally marked by a large military parade in Thessaloniki and schoolchildren parades throughout the countr ...

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ECB President Trichet Interrupted, Booed During Berlin Speech

Oct. 24 (Bloomberg) -- European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet was interrupted during a speech at a university in Berlin today and booed by people in the audience. A woman began shouting as Trichet spoke in an auditorium at the Humboldt University, causing him to stop speaking briefly before resuming. Banners were held up by students in the audience reading “no more money for the banks” and “say ...

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"Papandreou, please don't save us anymore" at Brussels on Sunday 23/10.

EUobserver/ Brussels (23 October) - While heads of states discuss the second Greek bailout over marathon talks in Brussels, members of the local Greek solidarity movement stage a protest calling on Prime Minister George Papandreou to resign. "Greek people don't want any more loans", says Yiorgos Vassalos from the Greek solidarity movement in Brussels who is joined by some of the Spanish "indignants". Belgia ...

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