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Take the square Netherlands

Assembly of Open Assemblies The last 3 years, no matter where we live, our lives are strongly influenced by the crisis. This crisis broke out in 2008 and transformed itself to a sovereign-debt crisis particularly in the EU-periphery. This crisis was not created by the people. The bankers and the financial institutions with the support of the governments are responsible for it. Today the people are asked to ...

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Students’ assemblies of the Occupied Universities of Athens: Call For Struggle

People, men and women, workers, Greeks and immigrants, The deepest darkness has covered our society. An unprecedented attack is launched against our rights that have been established after long struggles. Employment, education, health care and all public goods are entering a new medieval era. This new medieval era is imposed by the iron fist of the PASOK-government and the international mafia of the E.U. - ...

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At least 45 university departments occupied by their students in Greece.

via At least 45 departments across the country are now under student occupation – General Assemblies are happening all of this and next week and it is very likely that the number will increase dramatically. There seems to be a completely unprecedented agreement between students across almost the entire political spectrum for mobilisations against the voted law: this is rapidly becomin ...

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Revolution arrives in Germany, Berlin starts to camp!

Berlin has its own Outraged camp: a loose network of politically-critical people started occupying the city’s main square, Alexanderplatz, since Saturday night, following the example of north-African and Spanish revolutions. After the nightly event “aCAMPada Berlin goes aCAMParty” it was decided to camp out in order “to demonstrate against various political events, that aren’t compatible with the free democ ...

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Slavoj Žižek: Shoplifters of the World Unite

Slavoj Žižek on the meaning of the riots Repetition, according to Hegel, plays a crucial role in history: when something happens just once, it may be dismissed as an accident, something that might have been avoided if the situation had been handled differently; but when the same event repeats itself, it is a sign that a deeper historical process is unfolding. When Napoleon lost at Leipzig in 1813, it looked ...

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To the international academic community: Greek Universities in Danger

In the last few years, a wave of ‘reforms’ within the European Union and throughout the world has subjected Higher Education to the logic of the market. Higher Education has increasingly been transformed from a public good and a civil right to a commodity for the wealthy. The self-government of Universities and the autonomy of academic processes are also being eroded. The processes of knowledge production a ...

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Global action team against the IMF and the International Banking system

Direct Power, or dp, is a global action team against the IMF and the international banking system. It will soon become a large organization. dp coordinates action against banks and bankers in different countries. Banks rather than governments are the most important players in today’s capitalism. Because profits in production (industry and agriculture) have remained low since the 1970s, the rich invest money ...

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Greece: Democracy is born in the squares There may be no better proof of the rupture that is brought about by the “movement of the squares” other than its open, participatory, directly democratic way of organising and functioning. Within a single week it has given birth to a political culture of a different type, one that literally overcomes all known models of organising and struggle to date. Even if the issue of its proced ...

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What is a popular assembly and how do we coordinate ?

This text has been prepared by the Commission for Group Dynamics in Assemblies of the Puerta del Sol Protest Camp (Madrid). It is based on different texts and summaries which reached consensus in the internal Assemblies of this Commission (and which will be made available on the official webs of the 15th May Movement) and from the experiences gained in the General Assemblies held in this Protest Camp up unt ...

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Biggest protest in years challenges Netanyahu's government

Tens of thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets in seven cities across Israel, and their social slogans are rapidly being replaced by calls for the government to step down. Rallies started at 9 pm on Saturday, with the main events held in Tel Aviv, where a large crowd gathered at the “Tahrir Square of Israel”, in front of the Tel Aviv Museum. The demonstrations, during which protesters carried ...

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