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Municipality cops and riot police evacuated by force the protesters camp at Syntagma Square in Athens, Greece after 60 days.

Municipality cops and riot police evacuated by force the protesters camp at Syntagma Square in Athens, Greece after 60 days. At 04:20, 4 Riot team squads circling each side entered the revolutionary camp. A small team of police officers with a D.I. entered from the lower side. The Riot guards surrounded the protesters while the D.I. stated that the protest and the camp were declared illegal, due to a Greek ...

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London Message to Syntagma

In this time of great confusion, political apathy and misinformation we are compelled to respond dynamically to issues that affect us all as citizens of the world, as human beings. We EXPRESS OUR SOLIDARITY to Syntagma Square and, together, we call for the RE-ENFORCEMENT of the network of the Real Democracy Now groups across Europe. 1) We CONDEMN the propaganda of the major mainstream media who do not tell ...

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Gaza-bound boat boarded by Israeli forces

Pro-Palestinian activists aboard French yacht rejected Israeli warnings to change course in effort to break blockade. Israeli naval forces have boarded a French yacht carrying pro-Palestinian activists who had intended to sail to the blockaded Gaza Strip. The vessel is being taken to the port of Ashdod, an Israeli military spokeswoman said on Tuesday . "I can confirm that the yacht has been boarded and that ...

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"At least before I fell I got the chance to hear: Bread-Education-Freedom"…

Journalist Manolis Kypraios is now disabled because of the brutal violence he suffered at the hands of the repression organs of the State while he was covering the strike movement on the 15th of June. Specifically, a member of the riot police intentionally threw a stun grenade within inches of his head, causing total hearing loss in both ears, even though our colleague had identified himself as a journalist ...

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Plezierig pleinprotest-plus in Amsterdam

maandag 11 juli worldwide solidarity protest - Amsterdam from Spiral Move on Vimeo. video by: Afgelopen zondagmiddag en -avond, 10 juli, voeren ettelijke tientallen, uiteindelijk rond de honderd, mensen actie in Amsterdam. Het betrof een pleinprotest en aansluitende demonstratie uit solidariteit met de bevolking van Griekenland, en uit protest tegen het politiegeweld tegen demonstrante ...

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Since the outburst of the financial crisis back in 2008, there is an on-going attack on the social and political rights of the people. This attack seems to be different across countries, but at a closer inspection, it becomes obvious that is actually the same. The policies of European governments, EU officials and IMF are common: budget cuts are imposed and human rights are deprived. However, during the las ...

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Flirting with Death

By Yorgos Avgeropoulos I have covered conflicts of protestors and police in various places around the world outside Greece, such as in Argentina, Italy, Bolivia, and Mexico. Especially in Mexico the police, as many know, are considered savage, untrained and corrupt. However, what I lived through and recorded along with my co-workers yesterday Wednesday 29/6 at Syntagma, surpasses all limits in savagery. The ...

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