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Miners strike lies: thirty years of hurt‏

eleased cabinet papers confirm what we always knew - that Thatcher lied about almost every aspect of the Great Miners Strike of 1984-85. Former striking miner Joe Henry looks back in anger. Reading Paul Mason’s website about the recently released cabinet papers relating to the 1984 miners’ strike reminded me of the Nazi Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbell’s, infamous comment: “If you tell a lie big enough ...

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Fight austerity and free trade! Blockade the EU Summit!

Join citizens, farmers, NGOs and trade unions from across Belgium to fight back against the EU's destructive austerity policies and its attempt to give corporations the keys to Europe through a new EU-US free trade deal: ****BLOCKADE THE EU SUMMIT - 19 DEC 2013!**** The day of action is organised by the D19-20 Alliance (CEO is one of the supporter organisations), and is part of two days aimed at fighting th ...

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‘Spiral of Rebellion’ Sweeps Italy

Pitchfork movement organizers vow 'peaceful invasion' of Rome until ruling regime steps down. Marking the sixth day of relentless blockades, occupations and mass demonstrations that many warn may set off "a spiral of rebellion" across Europe, protesters—marching under the banner of the 'Pitchfork' movement—gathered Saturday in Rome, Turin and Venice, Italy. "Activists wearing Italian flag masks and white no ...

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The struggle in the Greek universities

Greek university education is going through the most critical phase in its entire history, because the Ministry of Education is implementing a harsh mobility scheme for the administrative and technical staff of the country’s eight largest universities, reports Sissy Velissariou. ...

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27 november, Leiden: waarschuwingsprotest tegen gemeenten en bazen die dwangarbeiders inzetten

The municipality of Leiden obliges social benefit recipients to take employment below the minimum wage and without labor rights for a period that can exceed two years. Doorbraak is organizing a protest against forced labor on Wednesday 27 November in Leiden. time: 18:30– 20:00 location: Le Pooleweg 11, Leiden Or come to the trein station Leiden Lammenschans, where we will depart from at 18:10 - 10 minutes w ...

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Anti-Gold mining info evening: An attempt to build a strategy platform

On Sunday 8th of December ReINFORM invites you to an info evening about anti-gold mining struggles. Following our last action on November 9th for Skouries international day, we are extending our scope to build a network on mutual struggles taking place all over the world. El Dorado Gold Co. is involved in mining activities in Greece, Romania, Turkey, China, Brazil and Canada among others. [divide style="2"] ...

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Loud protest against Le Pen and Wilders

About 60 people protested against the visit of French extreme-right politician Marine Le Pen in Den Haag. She was here to talk to Geert Wilders about European cooperation. A loud cacophony was provided by drums, horns and an air raid siren. With this noise protest, the anti-fascists made it clear that they were not pleased with Le Pen’s visit and the racist ideology of the Front National and the PVV. The so ...

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Few words about the political prisoners from Turkey

This post is about Ahmet Yüksel, Erdğan Çakır, Hasan Biber and Mehmet Yayla, who have been in hunger strike since 24/9. Ahmet Yüksel and Erdğan Çakır are facing the danger of extradition in Germany and France respectively and Hasan Biber and Mehmet Yayla in Turkey. All of them have asked for a political asylum. For Ahmet Yüksel and Erdğan Çakır arrest warrants are issued for pending decisions regarding thei ...

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