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Thousands attend antifascist protest

Unions, parties and other groups called for mass rally against Golden Dawn. 'Pavlos lives! Crush the nazis!' was the main slogan chanted at the demonstration, which got underway on Syntagma Square at 6pm. Metro stations in central Athens are closed because of the rally. ...

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De crisis in Griekenland wordt de laatste jaren steeds als excuus door de regeringen gebruikt om grotere bezuinigingen in Nederland en de rest van Europa te realiseren. De regeringen gebruiken Griekenland of als afschrikwekkend voorbeeld (we moeten onze zaken op orde hebben anders worden we zoals Griekenland) of als noodzakelijk kwaad (de Nederlandse burger moet belastinggeld betalen voor het redden van Gri ...

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AUSTERITY BREEDS FASCISM On the evening of 17th September in a neighborhood of Athens, the 34-year old hip-hop artist and antifascist activist Pavlos Fyssas was murdered by a gang of the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn. The murderer admitted to be a member of Golden Dawn while it is known that he is on the party's payroll. This crime was a follow-up to the violent attack of Golden Dawn last week against members ...

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OPEN LETTER TO PARENTS AND STUDENTS – The National Technical University of Athens Assembly of September 6th, 2013

The professors and employees of the National Technical University of Athens have decided to stand up with our heads high, instead of remaining idle and hopeless. We will do everything in our power to deliver the TechnicalUniversity as it is today and even improved, to the next generations, as it has been delivered to us… ...

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Romanian gold rush cancelled as protesters defeat Europe’s biggest mine

Plan to blast Transylvanian mountains dropped despite promise of billions Romania’s Prime Minister has conceded that his efforts to end a 14-year deadlock and open Europe’s biggest goldmine were likely to fail, after the project provoked nationwide protests against the use of cyanide in the Transylvanian mountains. The government had argued that the project – by the Canadian mining company, Gabriel Resource ...

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State and shadowy attacks against the antifa movement and migrants in Greece

In the recent months, state and shadowy/parastatal attacks by police forces and fascist groups against antifascists and immigrants in Greece have increased alarmingly. The country is being rapidly turned into a battlefield of a new civil war and the state stands for it. Here you can see an indicative inventory of the most significant attacks in the period of the last three months: 01/06 – Formal grievance a ...

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South African gold miners strike over ‘slave wages in white man’s economy’

About 80,000 gold miners in South Africa walked out on strike on Tuesday night, raising fears of renewed violence in the crisis-hit industryand underlining the government's dwindling authority. President Jacob Zuma admitted that he could only plead with companies and unions to find a peaceful solution and avoid seriously damaging the economy, already hit by sluggish growth and a contagion of strikes in othe ...

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Say “NO!” To War in Syria – Demonstration against foreign military intervention (31/8 Den Haag)

On the early mornings of August 21st, an alleged chemical attack took place in the outskirts of Damascus. It is still largely unclear who is responsible for this act, but the parallels with the prelude to the invasion of Iraq are astounding. Without any definite proof the Mainstream Media has conveniently manipulated the emotions of millions and used this event to galvanize the public into supporting yet an ...

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Tahrir-ICN statement on events in Egypt

The events of the past couple of days are the latest step in a sequence of events by which the military can consolidate its hold on power, aim towards the death of the revolution and a return to a military/police state. The authoritarian regime of the Muslim Brotherhood had to go. But what has replaced it is the true face of the military in Egypt – no less authoritarian, no less fascist and for sure more di ...

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