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Do you feel happy when shopping from AH?

"We are one big happy family" says the CEO of the largest Dutch supermarket-chain.   'Happy family' means that workers of the distribution centres are paid 10 euros per hour while he gets 300 per hour. It also means that 50% these workers are employed as flexworkers or via temporary work agencies. It also means that they have to work faster and more intensively every day. Finally, it means that their sickne ...

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Eviction of refugee protest camp in The Hague

Yesterday, the 13th of December, the refugee protest camp in The Hague has been evicted, following the courts approval of the mayors judgment that living in the camp was too cold and unhealthy, and therefore illegal. Result: 28 arrests, including 21 sans-papiers whose future remains very uncertain and very likely will end up in the streets again, without the protection of a tent, without the right to protes ...

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Never forget Never forgive

Athens 2008Thessaloniki 2012Bologna, Italy 2012Athens 2012Istanbul, Turkey 2012Athens Antifa banner 2012Bologna, Italy 2012   In December 2008, "Eleftheros Typos" photojournalist Kostas Tsironis got fired for that photoNapoli, Italy 2012                                          Look at these children; anyone of them could have been AlexisCrete, Greece 2012 Athens  2012   Short updates: Lot of Greek pol ...

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MOVEMENT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS SAMOS 20/11/2012 Briefing report In 2010 members of the Movement continued to visit the detention centre of Samos on a weekly basis.  Following serious allegations we received by detained refugees and given their inability to address the competent authorities by themselves, we gathered all acquired information and wrote a letter to the Ministry of Citizen Protection requesting to b ...

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Offshore secrets revealed: the shadowy side of a booming industry

A worldwide research effort in collaboration with BBC Panorama and the ICIJ reveals the people behind these anonymous companies       The existence of an extraordinary global network of sham company directors, most of them British, can be revealed. The UK government claims such abuses were stamped out long ago, but a worldwide joint investigation by the Guardian, the BBC's Panorama and the Wa ...

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Golden Dawn and the Antifascist Movement in Greece

120 antifascists actions have taken place from August to October 2012. 23 antifascists have been procecuted in October 2012 0 Neonazis International antifascist solidarity: Italy, France, Spain, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium   International Antifascist Solidarity - from Florence, Italy   And here is another video from a greek reporter in guardian: A senior police officer claims successive gove ...

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Report from #26S #29S in Spain

Anti-austerity rage intensified in Madrid, as protesters surrounded the parliament Tuesday night in a sign of mounting frustration towards the right-wing government. Their demands included the resignation of top officials with new elections, the halt to austerity measures, and the rewriting of the Spanish Constitution. The protesters charged the government with theft and criminal activity for implementing h ...

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This Is What Democracy Looks Like

Comment by the creator: I edited this small video in homage to those who fight against the tyranny worldwide. A radical, viral video. I am shocked by the violent and systematic repressions of the authorities on the protesters defending our rights, indignant by irresponsible and not democratic political decisions. While trying to be optimistic, I cannot refrain from thinking that we arrive at a point of no r ...

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Greece's biggest hospital struggles as austerity cuts bite – video

As Greece faces the most important election in a generation, its public healthcare system is on the verge of total collapse, with many hospitals forced to cancel operations. Greek documentary maker Aris Chatzistefanou, whose films Debtocracy and Catastroika have made him one of the most exciting young voices in Europe was given access to Nikaia hospital to meet the doctors struggling to keep their patients ...

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Indefinite strike by miners in Spain

By Lupax 1st of May, 1962. The dictator Franco organizes a pompous and festive spectacle for workers from all over the State for Labor day. In this way, the Regime presents itself as a machine for peace between social classes. But behind this apparent harmony, the miners in Asturias have been striking for already a month. This social conflict became one of the biggest challenges that the dictator had to con ...

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