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Dam Square Demonstration 15/02

On Sunday 15th of February, hundreds of people gathered at Dam Square, Amsterdam to demonstrate against the neoliberal austerity policies of the EU, to express their solidarity and make their voice heard.     We the people of Dam Square, we demand - the write off of the debt - the end of the austerity policies in Greece and in the Netherlands. We fight - so that we don’t allow the banks to lead ou ...

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Demonstration on15th February at 14.00, Dam Square in Amsterdam

SOLIDARITY WITH THE GREEK PEOPLE! NO TO THE BLACKMAIL OF THE EU! ΤHE CRISIS WILL NOT BE PAID BY THE EUROPEAN CITIZENS! Scroll down for Dutch and Greek. On Sunday February 15th there will be demonstrations all over Greece and Europe since on that day crucial negotiations between the Greek government and the Eurogroup will take place. These demonstrations will send the message to the European leaders that the ...

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Saturday, October 4at 3:00pm, Amsterdam. The fake ‘success story’ of austerity. Crisis in Greece and in the EU: winners and losers

The Dutch media, the EU officials and the Greek government cheer about a supposed success of austerity policies in Greece. They present that after 4 harsh years, the economy is going back in track and that the state is now functional to support the people. Similar stories flood occasionally the media on other austerity-hit countries such as Spain, Portugal and Ireland. In the Netherlands, similar austerity ...

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The Box – Comic presentation, Saturday 21 June, Utrecht

Reinform invites you to the presentation of the new comic of M. Astikos, The Box. Α comic telling the stories of three people, drawing upon recent events in Greece: An HIV-positive woman used as a scapegoat, a Greek man mistaken for an immigrant, and an antifascist, are all captured by the police and thrown in prison. Their fate is shaped by the hate rhetoric adopted by the mainstream politics and media. Wh ...

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Fascism Inc with Aris Chatzistefanou, Amsterdam May 31 at 6:00 pm, Nijmegen June 1 at 3:00 pm

On Saturday, May 31 at 6:00 pm, REINFORM in cooperation with BORDERLESS invite you to the screening of Fascism Inc. Aris Chatzistefanou, the creator of the film, will be there to discuss with us about the film and the rise of fascism and extreme right in The Netherlands. Amsterdam Facebook Event Nijmegen Facebook Event ...

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May 16 Amsterdam: “Shock Doctrine” Revisited: The Authoritarian Guise of the European Union in the Crisis

“Shock Doctrine” Revisited: The Authoritarian Guise of the European Union in the Crisis REAL WORLD ECONOMICS Friday, 16 MAY 2014, 20.30 to 22.30 hours Plantage Doklaan 8-12 in Amsterdam From 19.00 hours onwards, there will be great vegan food cooked by the ‘Kollektief Rampenplan' and books for sale from Boekhandel Rooie Rat After almost seven years of global economic crisis, the crisis’ disruptive impact co ...

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FASCISM INC documentary screening, April 10 at 7:00pm

REINFORM in cooperation with Filmhuis Cavia invites you to the very first screening of the documentary film FASCISM INC. Debtocracy and Catastroika’s production team steps into the discussion with another documentary. This time they will present to us unknown short stories from the past, the present and the future of fascism and its relation to the economic interests of each era. We will travel from Mussoli ...

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