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Study of the IME GSEVEE: “Income – Expenses of Households ”

This is part of a press release published in the 7th if February by the the Small Enterprises’ Institute of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Merchants (IME GSEVEE). The institute a non-profit organization that carries out studies and surveys, concerning the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises of the Greek economy. Although the approach of the study is strictly business-orient ...

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Solidarity to the striking seamen

Today, the government once again called for the requisition of workers in strike. This time it was the turn of the seamen that are struggling against the abolishment of their collective employment agreement and other regulations that protect their working rights. The new legislation of the government leads to layoffs and further wage cuts. Despite the requisition the union of the seamen just decided the con ...

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Solidarity Resistance Self-organization

In times of economical, social, political and existential crisis, when our rights and our very life are under attack, solidarity is a necessity for the survival of all those who suffer from the neoliberal barbarity. Resistance is the only option against the detrimental policies of both the troika and the governing coalition. Self-organization is the starting point for grassroots mobilization, participation ...

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Solidarity to the public transport strikers in Greece from the Amsterdam public transport trade union

"To the Greek workers in the public transport The trade union Advakabo of the Amsterdam public transport group (GVB) wants to express its support and solidarity to your resistance against the salary cuts and the impending dismissal that you are about to face, if you continue with the planned strikes. We, as members of the trade union in the public sector, also fight in our country against austerity measures ...

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Solidarity to the public-transport strikers in Greece

  Workers and employees of Athens metro, urban train and the tram are facing wage cuts for the 4rth time in the last 2 years. Their salaries have been already reduced up to 45%. Now, the government wants to abolish their collective labor agreements that provide the minimum salaries for their particular sector and apply a payroll, common for all civil workers instead. The workers want to defend their co ...

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Days are coming, wild days… [dedicated to the murdered migrant with the bike].

Translated by ReINFORM In memory of SHEHZAD LUGMAN, the migrant from Pakistan who was murdered on 17 January 2013 at Petralona, Athens 17-01-2013 by Panagiotis Mavroidis Even the news on MEGA channel (cc. the most pro-government and neonazi-tolerant tv channel in Greece) today, Thursday 17th Jan 2013, that broadcasted it as one of the last news items, is informing us that th ...

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THEATER KIKKER IN UTRECHT From 8/1 until 26/1 Theater KIKKER in Utrecht presents a series of performances under the title: Greece on sale! (in Dutch: Griekenland in de uitverkoop). To advertise the performance, a big banner of the Greek flag with the word 'sale' was hang on the facade of the theater. Someone destroyed the banner. According to the artists, the aim of the performance is the study of the relat ...

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Factory occupation and workers control in Thessaloniki, Greece – Discussion Event in Utrecht

By Kritische Studenten Utrecht It is already the 17th month that the factory “Viomichaniki Metalleutiki” in Thessaloniki, Greece, remains closed. The workers attempt an important struggle under difficult circumstances, to get the factory out of capital's grasp and put it under workers control. What difficulties do these workers encounter? How does direct democracy on the workfloor work? How to deal with the ...

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Rise of Fascism in Greece and Europe – Event report

On Saturday December 8th the event "The rise of fascism in Greece and Europe" organised by Reinform took place at "De Brakke Grond" in Amsterdam. It included presentations and a discussion looking at how and why fascist ideas and movements develop in society, with a focus on recent developments in Greece where a neo-nazi party (Golden Dawn) has suddenly gained electoral support and has entered the parliamen ...

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