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The Greek elections on May 6 delivered a clear message: NO MORE AUSTERITY. No political party or coalition has any legitimacy to continue the austerity policies either inside or outside the Eurozone. Regardless the result of the coming elections we will continue to take the streets and struggle against the neoliberal policies in Greece and all over Europe. The victory of the people in Greece will be a victo ...

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We live in Europe where currently any alternative suggestion about how to structure our society and economy is met with negative criticism by the media and the vast majority of our society. Any movement or development that questions the “economic orthodoxy” is treated at best as non realistic and at worst as dangerous. At the same time, the rise of nationalism, racism, fascism and Nazism does not seem to ra ...

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15M in Amsterdam

One year ago in Spain, resignation was transformed into indignation and we took to the streets when nobody expected it. The message was clear, "We are not goods in the hands of politicians and bankers". The unprecedented success of a democratic demonstration without any support from political parties, unions and the media inspired a group of brave people to sit at a square in the center of Madrid to decide ...

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6 May – In Greek National Elections: We give a message of resistance

The elections of May 6th take place in a moment that people are facing the absolute misery. After two years of implementation of the destructive policies of the 'memorandums' (cc. the commitments of the Greek government towards the EU, the ECB and the IMF), the Greek elite, the EU, the IMF and the bankers hold the gun to people's head trying to gain moral and political justification for their policies. Duri ...

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Action at Minister Giannitsis speech in the Netherlands

Updated Today, Thursday 22 of March Minister Giannitsis was invited to talk about "growth after reform" by the Greek embassy and the clingendael institute in the Hague. Greeks living in the Netherlands made an intervention exposing lies and inaccurate information during his speech.It was made clear that the nature of reforms and measures for the so called growth is nothing more than the same neoliberal reci ...

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Cleaners Strike and occupy

Solidarity Call Out   The last two months the struggle of cleaners has been in the centrepiece of social movements in the Netherlands. The cleaners are among the first who are affected by the economic crisis in the Netherlands. After transportation workers, post workers and employees in subsidised jobs, the cleaners are facing wage cuts. The budget cuts in the cleaning expenses by companies such as Phi ...

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Message of the strikers of Greek Steelworks

Dear fellow-workers, once more we are witnessing a huge solidarity wave to our struggle that begun on 30/10. On that day, Greek Steelworks SA started the unjustified lay offs in an effort to terrorize us and force us to accept a modification of the collective wage agreement ruling an average  wage reduction of 40%, a reduction of working hours to 5 per day together with the introduction of shift work. The l ...

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Solidarity is not a word, it is how we live.

On the 17th of October, our boss was clear : 5 hours a day and 40% salary reduction. Two days later, after a general assembly of 280 attendees the workers' response was "If you proceed, we will go on strike". On the 31st of October and only 5 minutes before 3 in the afternoon, the first dismissal was delivered to a workers' house; followed by another 18 in the same evening. Within one hour of the first dism ...

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Solidarity with the workers of GREEK STEEL who are getting into the 3rd week of strike

The 400 workers of the “GREEK STEELWORKS” (Helliniki Halivourgia) industry, are on strike, united as one fist, for more than three weeks. And they continue! They do not move back, they have chosen the path of honor and dignity, to defend the bread and the future of their children. They do not return to work, in fire and iron, for 500€. They demand, their 34 colleagues, who were laid off, to return to work. ...

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Solidariteit met GVB werkers

On Sunday 20 of November, public-transport workers of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and the Hague went on a 24-hour strike. The government decided to reduce the funding of public transport by 40%. More than half of the employes currently working in pubic transport will be laid off. At the same time, the service will be more expensive for the citizens and their quality dramatically worsen. In Amsterdam, it is estimat ...

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