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After the crisis, the nation state strikes back

Putin’s muscle-flexing shows the role of states in matters of war and peace, writes Mark Mazower Is the state making a comeback? It can certainly look like it. Old-fashioned interstate conflicts are roiling the China Sea and Russia’s western borders. Inter-governmental meetings such as the last Apec conference and the Group of 20 leading economies in Sydney took on an unwonted urgency. More positively, it i ...

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Nikos Romanos: Better Dead than Educated?

On 6 December 2008 the Greek government armed the mind and hand of the policeman who murdered the 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos, sending the message that the State will do anything to prevent the youth from questioning its policies. Alexandros' friend, Nikos Romanos, watched him dying right in front of him. In February 2013, at the age of 20, Nikos Romanos was arrested together with five other young ...

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Kamerleden, laat je niet inpalmen door Shell

'Dat óók Shell niet 'schoon en veilig' kan fracken blijkt uit onderzoek van Milieudefensie in Oekraïne en Argentinië, dat daar stuitte op een flink aantal dubieuze praktijken' Door Ike Teuling, Campaigner Energie bij Milieudefensie Een delegatie van Tweede Kamerleden bracht begin deze week een bezoek aan schaliegasboorlocaties van Shell in de Verenigde Staten, om meer te weten te komen over de impact van sc ...

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On the European Elections (and not only…)

On the 25th of May the citizens of EU member states are going to vote for the European Parliament. While people in countries of EU, and especially in Greece, face the hardest ever attack on their basic rights in the history of EU, the question that arises is what position in the elections can facilitate the end of the crisis. The last years EU has clearly demonstrated a repulsive face: Using the global econ ...

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It’s not going any better at all with Greece

The EU and the Greek government are manipulating the facts to cover up the results of the unsuccessful austerity policies in Southern Europe. “The policy which was based on austerity, privatization and liberalization deepened the crisis instead of bringing about any solutions.” ...

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