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Greek police evacuate occupied TV station

Riot police evacuate the headquarters of former public broadcaster ERT, which had been occupied by former employees. Greek riot police stormed the building of former state television ERT and evicteddozens of protesters occupying it since June when the government abruptly shut the broadcaster, police officials said. ...

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Greek riot police evict last ERT staff

Greek police say they have removed the remaining former workers from what used to be the headquarters of the now-defunct ERT state broadcaster. The pre-dawn operation by riot police started shortly after 4am local time Thursday. Only a handful of former workers were in the building at the time, authorities said. ...

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Golden Dawn shootings: What we know so far

Read everything that has happened since Friday΄s murderous attack. FOSPHOTOS / Panayiotis Tzamaros The incident Around 7 p.m. on Friday November 1, two persons riding a motorcycle pulled off on Irakleiou Boulevard, outside a local office of the Golden Dawn party, in Neo Irakleio, northern Athens. They were wearing helmets, according to witnesses. The person who was not driving, approached the entrance to th ...

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Empros Theatre Raided by Greek Police

The vandalism of the Greek authorities continues with the eviction of the Empros Theatre yesterday.  The infrastructure of solidarity is being systematically removed, from the squats and the … and now to the social health centres and cultural establishment   People in Greece are urgently trying to fill in the gaps in the best way that they can, to keep themselves occupied and share skills to survive in the ...

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International Action Day Against Gold Mines in Halkidiki

9th November 2013 International Action Day Against Gold Mines in Halkidiki   What is at Stake Halkidiki, the birthplace of the ancient philosopher Aristotle, is a place of such great natural beauty that, every year, it is flooded by tourists from all over the world. In the western part of Halkidiki lies the primeval forest of Skouries. A few years ago the multinational gold mining company Eldorado Gold ...

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The real agenda behind cutting red tape

By Magda Stoczkiewicz BRUSSELS - One of the worrying issues that emerged from last week’s European Council in Brussels is the ‘cut red tape’ initiative promoted by UK Prime Minister David Cameron. The proposal, which was welcomed by other EU leaders, is cause for alarm and threatens the protection of European citizens and the environment. The initiative is based on a report prepared by a UK Business Task Fo ...

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Pro zwarte piet manifestatie orgie van racisme

AFA Nederland Afgelopen zaterdag (26-10-2013) manifesteerden zo’n 500 mensen voor het behoud van zwarte piet binnen het sinterklaasfeest. Onder de manifestanten bevonden zich zo’n 30 neo-nazi’s, mensen van de PVV en kwam het tot een flinke racistische uitspatting tegen een gekleurde vrouw. “Oprotten zwarte, terug naar je eigen land!” werd er geschreeuwd. Een gekleurde vrouw met een vlag van West Papua was o ...

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More than half of experts at the EU food safety authority have conflicts of interest

Almost 60% of experts sitting on the European Food Safety Authority's (EFSA) panels have direct or indirect links with industries regulated by the agency, according to an independent screening performed by Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) and freelance journalist Stéphane Horel. The report “Unhappy Meal. The European Food Safety Authority's independence problem”identifies major loopholes in EFSA's indepen ...

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Plunging Greek Wages Crater Q2 Disposable Income By 9.3%, Government Borrowing Rises To Record by zerohedge Can someone please explain this whole "Grecovery" concept to use because neither we, nor apparently the people of Greece which are not only unemployed and broke, but have negative savings, and collapsing wages, social benefits and disposable income, seem able to understand it. Here is the latest absol ...

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