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Utrecht (Netherlands): Eviction Ubica

Saturday May 25th at 3pm, the last squatter of the Ubica was removed from the building. Since friday evening 11pm, police and riot police were busy evicting the building on the Ganzenmarkt in Utrecht. After nine month procedures, the higher court decided on friday that the squatters had to leave the building by monday. The squatters took the initiative not to wait. “The authorities choose the confrontation. ...

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Radiobubble: Independent media community in Athens Greece

We’re an open medium for communication and information, run by a community of volunteers. We’re based in Athens, even though many of us live in other cities around the world. We operate on the basis of relationships of trust and mutual respect. We don’t follow the hierarchical structure of conventional, mainstream media. We inform the world of events in crisis-hit Greece through a permanent newsfeed. We con ...

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AUSTERITY’S DRUG OF CHOICE – Sisa Is Destroying the Lives of Athens’s Homeless People

By Alex Miller Part1 Part2 A meeting with an anarchist in Exarcheia, a district of Athens. Photos by Henry Langston.   Standing in the Athens police headquarters, interviewing the director of the drug unit, I realised I had a bag of chemically enhanced crystal meth in my pocket. I’d bought it the night before from a Greek homeless man and had forgotten to throw it away. After the interview, I stepped o ...

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The Violence of Austerity in Greece – Photo exhibition

    Photos by Marios Lolos, president of the Greek Union of Photojournalists, Dimitris Michalakis, Yiannis Karabatsos, Yiannis Biliris and the archive of the newspaper Avgi, document the effects of austerity measures on the Greek society. The exhibition will also host the collection of photos #MAT1236 showing the police brutality in Greece. Citizens struck by poverty and hunger, massive protests a ...

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Solidarity Hunger strike in The Hague

On Thursday, May 16th, 10:00, a two-day solidarity hunger strike will start at the Plein in The Hague, to show our support to the hunger- and thirst strike in detention center Rotterdam. We want to draw attention to Dutch asylum policy which aims to exclude refugees from society and call for an immediate policy change. Descent asylum policy ensures that people in emergency are guaranteed safety and a future ...

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German engineering workers strike to press pay demands

(Reuters) - Almost 100,000 metal and electrical workers went on strike across Germany on Tuesday as they sought to put pressure on their employers to increase a pay offer, engineering union IG Metall said. The union is calling for wage hikes of up to 5.5 percent for some 3.7 million workers from May. It has so far rejected an offer from employers to increase wages by 2.3 percent from July following two mont ...

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IMF chief Christine Lagarde interview in Amsterdam interrupted by student demonstration

AMSTERDAM — International Monetary Fund head Christine Lagarde’s appearance at the University of Amsterdam has been interrupted by chanting students. IMF Managing Director Lagarde was speaking to students about the European debt crisis when organized students mixed in with the audience began interrupting pre-approved questions, apparently with criticism of the fund’s policies. Security guards grabbed severa ...

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Eurozone unemployment hits new high

Governments across the eurozone have again been left counting the human cost of the financial crisis after news that unemployment in the currency bloc reached a record high, driven by soaring youth joblessness. Eurozone unemployment rose to 12.1% for March, an all-time high, according to Eurostat, the statistics office of the European Union. In the wider EU area of 27 countries, unemployment stood at 10.9%, ...

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May Day protests against Bangladesh factory owners

Tens of thousands of Bangladeshis joined May Day protests Wednesday to demand the execution of textile bosses over the collapse of a factory complex, as rescuers warned the final toll could be more than 500. Despite calls by the prime minister for "cool heads", tensions over the country's deadliest industrial disaster showed little sign of abating and there were fears of more violence and vandalism at texti ...

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Ditch the King. Hire an Actor.

ON April 30, 1980, Queen Juliana of the Netherlands was succeeded by her daughter Beatrix. That day was marked by violent rioting in Amsterdam. Under the motto “Geen woning, geen kroning” (No roof over our heads, no crown on yours), squatters and anarchists railed against the new queen’s coronation and the country’s housing crisis. I was 9, and I sat with my mother watching it all on TV. The smoke bombs and ...

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