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Greek justice minister denounces gay marriage

Greece’s justice minister, Haralambos Athanasiou, has been accused of homophobia after unequivocally denouncing gay marriage. In an outburst that startled human rights defenders and activists in the country’s increasingly visible LGBT community, the minister, Haralambos Athanasiou, said he was virulently opposed to same-sex marriage as it posed dangers to a society that “respected traditions”. “I won’t disc ...

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Hunger strike in Greece: for a breath of freedom

Twenty days ago anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos went on hunger strike to demand his educational furlough. His situation is described as ‘critical’.   Nikos Romanos’ name is closely tied to the equally well known Alexandros Grigoropoulos, the 15-year-old boy who was shot and killed by police officer Epaminondas Korkoneas in Athens, on December 6, 2008. Only 15 years of age himself, Romanos witnessed hi ...

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Greek employer threatens to lay off a pregnant employee if she doesn’t have an abortion!

ReINFORM invites European Trade Unions to condemn the following two incidents of employers' arbitrariness in Greece. We strongly believe that solidarity among European workers is a vital ingredient of the struggle for decent working conditions and a decent life. We hope that you share this belief and ask you to sign the following two declarations of support by the Trade Union of Salaried Engineers in Greece ...

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Neonazi Violence in Zurich

On Thursday 6th of November, a company of 4 Greeks got attacked by a Neonazi gang inside a tram which was heading towards Bahnofstrasse from Rennweg. The attack continued in the area of the Bahnofstrasse tram station. Once they were identified as Greeks, they got provoked by the gang who started yelling “Golden Dawn” at them. When the Greeks expressed their disagreement with the ideology of “Golden Dawn”, t ...

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Massive high school student protests all over Greece

"Our dreams, their nightmares", "Money for the education, not the bankers", "When injustice becomes a law, resistance becomes a duty", "Assemblies, sit-ins to overthrow the 'New High School'" - read the banners of the high school students in Greece, who massively took the streets yesterday protesting against the 'New High School', the law voted by the Greek government aiming at the structural transformation ...

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Commemoration of Kristallnacht, 9th November, 19.30 at Stopera, hoek Zwanenburgwal/Amstel, Amsterdam

Herdenk de Kristallnacht 2014 - Stop racisme en fascisme in Europa! Zoals elk jaar sinds 1992 herdenken we ook dit jaar op 9 november de Kristallnacht die in 1938 in Duitsland plaatsvond. Honderden synagogen en winkels van joden werden vernield en in één nacht werden bijna honderd joden vermoord. Er waren jaren van discriminatie, intimidatie en uitsluiting van joden aan vooraf gegaan. Waarom herdenken wij d ...

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Supreme court upholds disgraceful ruling clearing farmers who shot unpaid Bangladeshi strawberry pickers

Deputy prosecutor decides there are no legal grounds to review the decision by a Patras court in July which acquitted the farmers and had sparked outrage at home and abroad. Greece’s supreme court has upheld a decision by a jury court of appeals in the city of Patras to acquit the farmers who opened fire, last year, on 28 unpaid Bangladeshi strawberry pickers, seriously wounding four of them. Deputy public ...

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France clashes after dam protester dies in ‘explosion’

There have been clashes in several French cities after a man protesting against a controversial dam project was killed in a confrontation with police. A prosecutor said that Remi Fraisse, 21, died of wounds caused by "an explosion". His body was discovered in the early hours of Sunday morning after rioting in Albi in southern France. There was violence in Albi, Nantes and Rennes as hundreds of people protes ...

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Saturday, October 4at 3:00pm, Amsterdam. The fake ‘success story’ of austerity. Crisis in Greece and in the EU: winners and losers

The Dutch media, the EU officials and the Greek government cheer about a supposed success of austerity policies in Greece. They present that after 4 harsh years, the economy is going back in track and that the state is now functional to support the people. Similar stories flood occasionally the media on other austerity-hit countries such as Spain, Portugal and Ireland. In the Netherlands, similar austerity ...

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Verslag: Samen Tegen Racisme manifestatie in Den Haag

Afgelopen zaterdag protesteerden in Den Haag ruim 250 mensen onder het motto “Samen Tegen Racisme! Voor een solidaire samenleving”. De aanleiding voor deze demonstratie was de demonstratie die de rechts-extremistische organisatie Pro Patria in de Haagse Schilderswijk organiseerde op 10 augustus. Deze demonstratie was zogenaamd tegen moslimfundamentalisme, maar bleek uiteindelijk gericht tegen alle islamitis ...

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