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Greek MPs support austerity package [Photos and Videos]

The Greek government has secured enough votes to pass deeply unpopular austerity measures essential to unlocking further aid from foreign lenders. The fragile three-party coalition managed to secure 153 votes. 151 votes were needed to win approval for the package of spending cuts, tax hikes and labour reforms despite the junior-ruling Democratic Left party's refusal to back it. Outside parliament buildings ...

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Greeks strike against austerity

Workers in Greece are staging a 48-hour general strike across the public and private sectors in protest at a proposed new wave of austerity. Public transport has been shut down, but fewer people have demonstrated than during previous stoppages. MPs are due to vote on the package of salary and pension cuts, and labour market reforms today. ...

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Joining forces for another Europe

In November, European social movements will meet in Florence to plan continent-wide responses to austerity and the European crisis of democracy. Tommaso Fattori calls for us to make ‘Firenze 10+10’ a priority. In Europe we are living in particularly dramatic times. Democracy is in death-agony and we are witnessing post-democratic processes taking over at the national and supranational level. EU leaders have ...

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Greek editor's arrest sought over list with Swiss accounts

ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek police are seeking to arrest the editor of a weekly magazine for publishing a list of more than 2,000 names of wealthy Greeks who have placed money in Swiss bank accounts, police said on Saturday. The so-called "Lagarde List" - given to Greece by French authorities in 2010 with names to be probed for possible tax evasion - has been a topic of heated speculation in Greek media in rec ...

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Amid Cutbacks, Greek Doctors Offer Message to Poor: You Are Not Alone

By LIZ ALDERMAN                                          Angelos Tzortzinis for The New York Times Elena, a cancer patient, at a clinic in Athens. Her illness long went untreated.   ATHENS — As the head of Greece’s largest oncology department, Dr. Kostas Syrigos thought he had seen everything. But nothing prepared him for Elena, an unemployed woman whose breast cancer had been diagnosed a year bef ...

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If this is our ‘’State’’ then we are all guilty of ‘’revolt’’.

I am sitting in front of my pc trying to organize my thoughts while at the same time trying to overcome the shock I am under. Its impossible…No matter what kind of language I will use, how much superlative expressions I will put in the paper,  is still difficult  for me to express myself the way I would like to. Hence, I will try to be as simple as possible describing the facts that I experienced and hoping ...

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Protest at the detention centre in Corinth reveals inhuman and degrading detention conditions

The provisory detention centre for sans-papers was opened about four months ago in an overnight action by the Ministry of Citizen Protection and Public Order. It is one of three mass detention centres – the others are located in Xanthi and in Komotini – which were set up by the new government in the summer to fit the thousand arrested sans-papers captured during the Xenios Dias sweep operation. There have b ...

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photos: Alexandros Michailidis text: Dina Batzia Conflicts, arrests and injuries was the scenery of the protest in Skouries yesterday,   where hundreds residents and supporters gathered to protest gold mining activity. From the morning yesterday committees struggle against the gold mines in Halkidiki started protest and 6 km march to Skouries. Several hundreds of residents of the nearby village of Ierissos, ...

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Trade unions march against cuts

People came to London from across the land to march in protest at the coalition government's spending cuts. Nurses, firefighters, teachers and prison officers joined over 150,000 protesters yesterday in huge demonstrations against the Government, loudly cheering calls for a 24-hour general strike. Union officials and politicians, including Labour leader Ed Miliband, bitterly attacked the coalition's spendin ...

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Call out and announcement of a day of action at detention and deportation centers

The No Border Network, founded in the Netherlands in June, calls for a nationwide day of action on October 27th 2012, seven years after the fire at detention and deportation center Schiphol, that cost the lives of eleven people.   Several groups in the country organize a demonstration or another action to be announced at a detention or deportation center in their region. There will also be a demonstrat ...

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