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Gezinsgevangenis voor vluchtelingen op Kamp Zeist is geen humaan alternatief

Eind mei 2014 liet staatssecretaris Teeven van Veiligheid en Justitie, verantwoordelijk voor het migratiebeleid, per brief aan de Tweede Kamer weten dat hij van plan is een speciale detentielocatie voor gezinnen en alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdelingen (amv’s) te openen. Deze nieuwe gevangenis moet begin 2015 gereed zijn en is gepland op het terrein van Kamp Zeist in Soesterberg. Kamp Zeist herbergt op h ...

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Open public debate: The Podemos phenomenon

With only a few months of existence, the new Spanish political party Podemos received more than one million votes in the last European elections. This resulted in five seats in the European Parliament. Regeneration of democracy and alternatives to the EU austerity measures are central themes in the party´s political programme which, - as well as the selection of its candidates - was organised online with th ...

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Hunger strike of 4,000 prisoners enters 4th day over ‘fascist legislation’

Since Monday approximately 4,000 inmates of the country's prisons have refused to eat in protest of a 'fascistic' bill submitted to parliament by the Justice Ministry that would create a new class of maximum security prisons. Aside from the inmates the bill has drawn widespread condemnation from opposition parties, lawyer groups and correctional workers. ...

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Gezi Festival – June 21 – 22 / Bergse Bos, Rotterdam

“To live like a tree, single and at liberty  and in solidarity like the trees of a forest...” Towards the end of May of 2013, a resistance began in Istanbul Gezi Park and spread across entire Turkey during the month of June. This resistance was that of the people rising up against governmental oppression. Those of us, living in the Netherlands, have shown our solidarity with the millions living in Turkey an ...

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The Box – Comic presentation, Saturday 21 June, Utrecht

Reinform invites you to the presentation of the new comic of M. Astikos, The Box. Α comic telling the stories of three people, drawing upon recent events in Greece: An HIV-positive woman used as a scapegoat, a Greek man mistaken for an immigrant, and an antifascist, are all captured by the police and thrown in prison. Their fate is shaped by the hate rhetoric adopted by the mainstream politics and media. Wh ...

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Platform Stop Racisme and Uitsluiting – Programma bijeenkomst/discussie-avond 13 juni nu bekend

“Wat staat de antiracismebeweging in Nederland te doen na de uitslag van de Europese verkiezingen?” Eerder hebben we op deze website informatie geplaatst over de aanstaande bijeenkomst op 13 juni (zie hier). Het programma voor deze avond is nu bekend (zie onder foto). Massale protesten in Frankrijk tegen Front National laten het belang van de anti racisme strijd zien! Discussie-avond n.a.v. de Europese verk ...

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Fascism Inc with Aris Chatzistefanou, Amsterdam May 31 at 6:00 pm, Nijmegen June 1 at 3:00 pm

On Saturday, May 31 at 6:00 pm, REINFORM in cooperation with BORDERLESS invite you to the screening of Fascism Inc. Aris Chatzistefanou, the creator of the film, will be there to discuss with us about the film and the rise of fascism and extreme right in The Netherlands. Amsterdam Facebook Event Nijmegen Facebook Event ...

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