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Civil disobedience and workers unrest are growing in Greece

Siemens in collaboration with the police and an attorney general attempts to break the strike of shipyard workers in Elefsina   Since last Wednesday the workers of the shipyards of Elefsina, outside Athens, are on strike demanding from the companies to sign an agreement that are not going to decrease any wages. All companies signed the agreement with the exception of Siemens and DECO. Yesterday people ...

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Solidarity statement to workers in Dutch cleaning sector from the cleaners' labour union in Greece

Dear colleagues, We, your colleagues who work in cleaning companies in Greece and clean public and private spaces, we send you our solidarity and support. We face the same problems as you. Our working conditions resemble also the working conditions of the Middle Ages. We admire you for your struggle and we hope that more and more workers will join it and strengthen it so that you would be able to achieve yo ...

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Cleaners start sit-in of respect in Utrecht

On Monday morning thousands of cleaners started a Sit-in Respect in the university campus Uithof in Utrecht. About two thousand cleaners sit in public spaces of the university. “Universities are centres of social progress they have to move forward ... or remain still.” Since January 2nd, 2012, the cleaners fight for respect and the appreciation of their job. The contractors of the cleaning companies such as ...

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Are Greeks the hardest workers in Europe?

By Charlotte McDonald BBC News   The eurozone crisis has sown divisions in the European family, and Greece in particular has often been singled out for criticism. Has Greece been living beyond its means? Are Greeks lazy? On this second point, the statistics tell a surprising story. This week Greece is facing more spending cuts after agreeing to a deal of 130bn euros (£110bn, $175bn) to help it avoid ba ...

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The Humiliation of Greece

“How can one speak of default in the future tense when we’re already bankrupt… Don’t you see the people scouring through garbage and sleeping on sidewalks? Those who led us to bankruptcy – the troika and the government – now claim they want to save us from bankruptcy. It’s incredible.” – Mikis Theodorakis, composer and songwriter “Everything is changing. Everything is frightening.” –Kathimerini, Greek newsp ...

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Netherlands to Greece: We are all Greeks

The would like to thank everyone who participated in the solidarity action on the 18th of February in Amsterdam. We hope that the solidarity message which was sent yesterday to the Greek people from all over Europe will help them to keep on struggling. Even though we live thousands of kilometres away from Greece, our spirit is with them. And is the spirit of resistance... Solidarity Message From ...

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Greece: Three years of resistance

The beginning of the tragedy Only in the first three weeks after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, on September 15th 2008, almost 2.5 millions Americans lost their houses, being unable to repay off their mortgages. From October, 2007 to the first quarter of 2009, the international stock market losses had overcome those of 1929. More than 42 trillion dollars were lost, amount that, at that time, corresponded ...

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What are bankers doing inside EU summits?

Privileged access to EU summits helped the banking lobby avoid paying for their own excesses At the Euro Summits in July and October 2011[1], crucial decisions “to save the Euro” and “to save Greece” were made. It was agreed to restructure Greek debts and banks were asked to accept a 'haircut' to their profits to avoid a Greek default and the risk that some banks might default as a result. In Summer 2011, t ...

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The end of Greece as a sovereign state

Our Future in Hasty Writing John Bogiopoulos reads the new memorandum and notes the incredible improvisations of the document will seal our future Yannis Bogiopoulos Source in Greek The Greek Parliament has been repeatedly filed bills for voting that were half-processed or “photographic acts”, some of them badly translated and quoting suspicious numbers. But what happened with this new MoU is unprecedented. ...

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Solidarity call

The society belongs to the people and not to the banks.   GREEK PEOPLE DO NOT WANT ANY OTHER RESCUE PLAN Yesterday, the Greek Parliament approved the new austerity packaged that forces the people in to the misery in order to save the European banks. Under the pressure of the EU, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the IMF, and at the joy of the bankers all over Europe the Parliament decided to reduce t ...

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