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The Netherlands help large Greek companies to evade taxes in their homeland.

In October, the leader of PVV, Geert Wilders, heavily criticized the moral of Greeks with respect to paying taxes. He pointed  to the huge deposits of rich Greeks in Switzerland. What Wilders failed to report is that the Netherlands is helping the Greeks with tax evasion. From a research that De Pers carried out, it seems that many Greek companies use the Netherlands as a way to avoid the tax authorities. I ...

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Message of the strikers of Greek Steelworks

Dear fellow-workers, once more we are witnessing a huge solidarity wave to our struggle that begun on 30/10. On that day, Greek Steelworks SA started the unjustified lay offs in an effort to terrorize us and force us to accept a modification of the collective wage agreement ruling an average  wage reduction of 40%, a reduction of working hours to 5 per day together with the introduction of shift work. The l ...

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Image of unknown woman beaten by Egypt's military echoes around world

The woman is young, and slim, and fair. She lies on her back surrounded by four soldiers, two of whom are dragging her by the arms raised above her head. She's unresisting – maybe she's fainted; we can't tell because we can't see her face. She's wearing blue jeans and trainers. But her top half is bare: we can see her torso, her tummy, her blue bra, her bare delicate arms. Surrounding this top half, forming ...

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Solidarity is not a word, it is how we live.

On the 17th of October, our boss was clear : 5 hours a day and 40% salary reduction. Two days later, after a general assembly of 280 attendees the workers' response was "If you proceed, we will go on strike". On the 31st of October and only 5 minutes before 3 in the afternoon, the first dismissal was delivered to a workers' house; followed by another 18 in the same evening. Within one hour of the first dism ...

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Undercover cops spy on Occupy LA

Officers within the ranks of the Los Angeles Police Department have confirmed that undercover cops infiltrated the Occupy LA encampment and conducted clandestine surveillance on the protesters in the days leading up to last month’s raid and eviction. Before cops launched a crack-down on the Occupy LA encampment on November 30, officials secretly kept tabs on protesters, using undercover officers to monitor ...

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Chumbawamba go Tubthumping crazy over Ukip's use of No1 hit

Anarchist band react with 'total and absolute outrage and horror' after Nigel Farage appearance accompanied by song Anarchist pop band Chumbawamba expressed horror after their anthem to resilience, Tubthumping (I Get Knocked Down), was used at the Ukip conference in Eastbourne, East Sussex. Band member Dunstan Bruce said his reaction to the news was one of "total and absolute outrage and horror". He suggest ...

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Call out for the 2nd pan-Dutch Assembly of the Open Assemblies. The last 3 years, no matter where we live, our lives are strongly influenced by the crisis. This crisis broke out in 2008 and transformed itself to a sovereign-debt crisis particularly in the EU-periphery. This crisis was not created by the people. The bankers and the financial institutions with the support of the governments are responsible fo ...

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Merkel and Sarkozy want Samaras to sign to secure Leopard and Rafale sales, agreed with Papandreou

By Kassandra at When, in late October, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy agreed with the-then Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou to grant Greece the €110 billion mega-loan, the latter agreed, in return for the loan, to purchase military supplies from Germany and France, worth €10.5bn. The purchases made were to be in equal parts between Germany and France. T ...

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All electric power to the people! Electricity trade union occupies office for disconnection orders in Athens

By Occupied London. On Sunday, trade unionists of GENOP-DEI, the union of the Public Power Corporation, occupied the building issuing the electricity disconnection orders for households that have failed to pay their bills. As of a few weeks ago, the latest bills now include the latest property tax imposed by the government, typically including hundreds of euros per property, making payment for thousands a n ...

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Solidariteit met GVB werkers

On Sunday 20 of November, public-transport workers of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and the Hague went on a 24-hour strike. The government decided to reduce the funding of public transport by 40%. More than half of the employes currently working in pubic transport will be laid off. At the same time, the service will be more expensive for the citizens and their quality dramatically worsen. In Amsterdam, it is estimat ...

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