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Solidarity call to Greece for 17th of November from Amsterdam,Brussels and Paris

In Berlin, Paris, Rome, Amsterdam, Madrid and Brussels, different actions will be carried out in solidarity to the Greek people.   Today is the first day of the usual 3-days celebration for the anti-Junta revolt in 1973, in Greece. Back then, students, joined later on by other people, occupied the Polytechnical University in Athens demanding democracy and denouncing the “fake elections” the Junta had o ...

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Loukas Papademos – The nobleman of the banks

A lobbyist of the multinational elite was appointed prime minister of Greece, an undemocratic political deviation that must be annulled by massive and decisive popular action. PASOK and Nea Democratia agreed at last, after a marathon of consultations, to commonly appoint Loukas Papademos as prime minister. “Democratic Alliance” and LAOS supported the procedure with enthusiasm, while the “Democratic Left” an ...

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Three-ring circus

by George Gilson: George Papandreou, Antonis Samaras and Yiorgos Karatzaferis have turned Greece into a three-ring circus, and both the people and the press are enraged. The unconscionable collusion of the prime minister and his old college chum, conservative leader Antonis Samaras, in choosing Papandreou’s alter ego – parliament speaker Filippos Petsalnikos – as premier in a “unity” government created an u ...

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The Guardian: Student tuition fees protest passes off peacefully

Thousands of students marched through central London on Wednesday to protest against fee increases and were met by large numbers of police but as darkness fell the demonstration appeared to be passing off peacefully. As the protestors made their way through the City there were sporadic incidents involving bottles being thrown. An attempt was made to pitch tents in Trafalgar square but they were moved on qui ...

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The Guardian: Papandreou to step aside for 'broad acceptance' government

Greek finance minister set to lead new coalition in deal struck in desperate bid to avoid snap elections. Greece's embattled prime minister George Papandreou has agreed to step aside to make way for a government "of broad acceptance" that will be led by his long-time political foe, finance minister Evangelos Venizelos. Ahead of winning a crucial vote of confidence in parliament by 153-145, Papandreou, who h ...

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Political developments in Greece on 3rd November 2011

The day starts in a heavy ambiance due to Ms. Merkel's and Mr. Sarkozy's  statements, who made it clear that the only eligible question for a referendum would be "yes or no to the Euro" and that the only (acceptable) answer on behalf of the Greek people could be "yes". Until the Ministerial Council starts, there is just confusion and ongoing political negociations.Until noon, five Socialist Party MPs  (Kail ...

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Greek Leader Calls Off Referendum on Bailout Plan

ATHENS — After a tumultuous day of political gamesmanship, Prime Minister George Papandreou called off his plan to hold a referendum on Greece’s new loan deal with the European Union, withdrew his previous offers to resign and opened conciliation talks with his conservative opponents. By RACHEL DONADIO and NIKI KITSANTONIS   In an address to his party’s central committee on Thursday evening, he said th ...

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Greek politics in disarray after call for rescue-plan referendum

REPORTING FROM ATHENS — Anthee Carassava   Greece was in political disarray Tuesday after Prime Minister George Papandreou's surprise decision to put the euro rescue plan to a national referendum, a move that caused at least one lawmaker to quit the ruling party and others to call for the premier's resignation. Milena Apostolaki defected from Papandreou's Socialist Party a day after the Greek leader an ...

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No Pay Movement occupies Athens Toll Station

Greece. 30th October 2011   No Pay Movement occupies Athens Toll Station Media Summary About 150 members of the No Pay Movement occupied a toll station in Afidnes for four hours   About 150 members of the No Pay Movement, occupied for 4 hours the toll station in Afidnes, at the entrance and exit of Athens, allowing cars to pass without paying the tolls. From 4:30 to 8:00 pm, thousands of cars pass ...

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Protests on the Greek National day (#oxi)

The 28 October parade in Syntagma 28 October is celebrated on Greece as "ohi day" ("no day") in reference to 28 October 1940, when dictator Metaxas following the Greek people's demand rejected the ultimatum by Benito Mussolini to allow the armies of fascist Italy to invade Greece. The celebrations are normally marked by a large military parade in Thessaloniki and schoolchildren parades throughout the countr ...

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