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European Union prepares for Greek state bankruptcy

By Peter Schwarz 8 October 2011 The European institutions have clearly changed course in relation to Greece. Instead of the “rescue” of the country, they are now discussing its bankruptcy, and reducing the risk of contagion. The euro rescue fund, supposed to guarantee Greece’s solvency, is being used to secure the creditor banks against the consequences of state bankruptcy. The change of course has happened ...

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Foxconn: Apple supplier in China roughs up reporter

by Michael Grothaus   "A Reuters employee who was investigating Apple's legendary secrecy visited Foxconn's walled city-like facility in Guanlan, China, and was reportedly roughed up by security." The reporter took a taxi to the facility and left the taxi to take photographs of the front gate and security checkpoint. When a guard shouted, the reporter hopped back in the taxi. The guard then blocked the ...

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News from today’s General Strike demonstration in Athens.

In Athens, thousands are marching at the General Strike demonstration – it is estimated that the ADEDY (public servants’ union) demo alone has more than 10,000 participating. Demonstrators from the union’s march tried to push down the police fence outside parliament and were tear-gassed by police. At least four detentions have been reported so far, including 17-year olds. There is also at least one confirme ...

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The Guardian: Occupy Wall Street protesters march against police brutality

Thousands of demonstrators take to the streets in New York to highlight police brutality at last week's protest against the power of the US finance industry Several thousand anti-Wall Street protesters marched through downtown Manhattan on Friday night to protest against incidents of police brutality at a previous demonstration. The group was part of the Occupy Wall Street movement which has camped for almo ...

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Shell accused of fuelling violence in Nigeria by paying rival militant gangs

The Dutch Oil company rejects watchdog's claims that its local contracts made it complicit in the killing of civilians. David Smith The Guardian, Monday 3 October 2011 Shell has fuelled armed conflict in Nigeria by paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to feuding militant groups, according to an investigation by the oil industry watchdog Platform, and a coalition of non-government organisations. Militants ...

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Dear All, The issue of the fortune that the Papandreou family has made by the buying and selling of credit default swaps (CDS) is "old news" in Greece.   The first time that this issue was raised within Greek parliament was by the MP of the Conservative Party (ND) P Kamenos. The revelations that "Mr"  P Kamenos made provided the first base of evidences regarding the very profitably activities concernin ...

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Greece: Racist attacks continue plaguing Athens

Inthe recent days repeated racist attacks take place in various neighborhoods of Athens. Slogan written outside of Aghios Panteleimonas church "Foreigners Out of Greece", "Go to Hell" • Last night, 2 Afghan immigrants were attacked outside their home. When they saw a group of thugs approaching, scared they tried to run away but did not manage to escape. The gangs attacked them leaving one stabbed! The victi ...

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Athens Report on 27/9

Just came back from Syntagma square and i felt like sharing with you what happened but basically my innermost disappointment. Today was the day that the greek parliament was about to vote this new tax on properties and a call for gathering in Syntagma square was quite well promoted some days ago. But in Syntagma were something like 1000 people, there was no dynamic at all, a few people scattered around here ...

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Take the square Netherlands

Assembly of Open Assemblies The last 3 years, no matter where we live, our lives are strongly influenced by the crisis. This crisis broke out in 2008 and transformed itself to a sovereign-debt crisis particularly in the EU-periphery. This crisis was not created by the people. The bankers and the financial institutions with the support of the governments are responsible for it. Today the people are asked to ...

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Is Greece Europe’s Trojan Horse?

Groningen 6 Oct. Yanis Varoufakis Co-speaker Michael Koetter Language English The Euro is in crisis. Europe’s politicians and central bankers are in confusion. And European electorates balk at more bailouts and more centralization. Is the Euro finished? Should the ‘PIIGS’ (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain) never have joined the Eurozone? Will Greece go bankrupt? Who will follow? And do we need a U ...

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