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Is it okay to celebrate the new agreement a little later?

Who doesn’t want to celebrate a great success, especially if it ensures the preservation of his country from total financial disaster which until recently had being consider inevitable. And there is much need for celebration indeed, for an outburst of joy, a success, a breakthrough from all this discomfort and painful failures the country experienced since the outbreak of the "Greek crisis". But ultimately, ...

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Don’t visit Greece!

You have doubtlessly been informed that Greece is bankrupt and had to recourse to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). You might be wondering who are those responsible for Greece’s bankruptcy. If your country was bankrupt, wouldn’t you ask for those responsible to be brought to justice? I guess so. This is what the Greeks ask for as well. However, in Greece there are none responsible for the bankruptcy. N ...

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Spiegel Online – The People Behind the Numbers: Greece Threatened with Widespread, Long-Term Poverty

By Manfred Ertel in Athens Greece is tightening its belt -- and the number of people living in poverty is surging as a result. Thousands line up in front of food banks and resort to rifling through rubbish bins. The country's financial crisis is rapidly turning into a social one -- while wealthy tax evaders manage to get off scot-free. This time, the fight for survival last exactly 29 minutes. At precisely ...

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Gaza-bound boat boarded by Israeli forces

Pro-Palestinian activists aboard French yacht rejected Israeli warnings to change course in effort to break blockade. Israeli naval forces have boarded a French yacht carrying pro-Palestinian activists who had intended to sail to the blockaded Gaza Strip. The vessel is being taken to the port of Ashdod, an Israeli military spokeswoman said on Tuesday . "I can confirm that the yacht has been boarded and that ...

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Geen wurgcontract voor de Grieken: Onderteken de open brief aan Minister van Financiën Jan Kees de Jager

Op 14 juli zullen we deze open brief aan Minister van Financiën Jan Kees de Jager sturen als reactie op zijn onacceptabele opstelling tegenover Griekenland. Ook zullen we verschillende media vragen deze brief te publiceren. Onderteken deze brief door via onderstaande link je naam in te vullen, en stuur het door. Beste Jan-Kees de Jager, Verheugd reageerde u op de beslissing van de Griekse overheid op 29 jun ...

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Plezierig pleinprotest-plus in Amsterdam

maandag 11 juli worldwide solidarity protest - Amsterdam from Spiral Move on Vimeo. video by: Afgelopen zondagmiddag en -avond, 10 juli, voeren ettelijke tientallen, uiteindelijk rond de honderd, mensen actie in Amsterdam. Het betrof een pleinprotest en aansluitende demonstratie uit solidariteit met de bevolking van Griekenland, en uit protest tegen het politiegeweld tegen demonstrante ...

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Declaration of Support from Iceland

The Civic Movement Iceland expresses a deep concern about the way European political leaders manipulate the state of Greek economy and the reason for its collapse. It is our firm belief that the Greek public is not to blame for the economic meltdown in the world, and even though, Greek banks are now on the brink of collapse, they should not be saved at any cost. Other and more important issues have to be ad ...

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Amnesty International: "Tear gas fired as Greek police clash with Athens protesters"

29 June 2011 AI Index: PRE01/324/2011 Greek riot police must not use excessive force in their handling of violence during protests in Athens, Amnesty International said today amid reports protesters were hospitalized as police fired massive amounts of tear gas. The clashes came amid two days of protest in Syntagma square against an unpopular austerity bill, approved by the Greek Parliament today. “The large ...

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Since the outburst of the financial crisis back in 2008, there is an on-going attack on the social and political rights of the people. This attack seems to be different across countries, but at a closer inspection, it becomes obvious that is actually the same. The policies of European governments, EU officials and IMF are common: budget cuts are imposed and human rights are deprived. However, during the las ...

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Human right violations

To my rapist President of the Hellenic Republic, To my rapist Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, To my rapist Minister of Citizen Protection, This morning around 11.30, I was heading with a friend towards the crossroad of Rizari and Vasileos Konstantinou streets, when a group of ELAS (Helenic Police Force) officers ordered us to a precautionary search of my backpack and a body search of my friend. My ...

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