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Flirting with Death

By Yorgos Avgeropoulos I have covered conflicts of protestors and police in various places around the world outside Greece, such as in Argentina, Italy, Bolivia, and Mexico. Especially in Mexico the police, as many know, are considered savage, untrained and corrupt. However, what I lived through and recorded along with my co-workers yesterday Wednesday 29/6 at Syntagma, surpasses all limits in savagery. The ...

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UN: Greek austerity measures could violate human rights

30 June 2011 – The United Nations independent expert on foreign debt and human rights warned today that the austerity measures and structural reforms proposed to solve Greece’s debt crisis may result in violations of the basic human rights of the country’s people, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) reported. “The implementation of the second package of austerity measures and struct ...

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Amsterdam 29 Juni

Een maand geleden. Geleid door ons instinct, onvoorbereid en zonder elkaar te kennen kwamen we een maand geleden op de Dam bijeen, samen met Spanjaarden, Nederlanders en andere nationaliteiten om te demonstreren tegen het huidige politieke en economisch systeem. Dankzij deze diversiteit aan nationaliteiten realiseerden wij ons dat we te maken hebben met een globaal fenomeen, dat niet binnen de nauwe grenzen ...

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Exposing police brutality in Greece

Almost every day there is a new incident showing us how much value has the human dignity and safety for the police.As a result we have to think where is this attitude coming from.Are the officers themselves bad trained and full of hate or they just follow orders? Both answers are already given.This statement proves it to all. Written by Mariniki Alevizopoulou There was a woman in her sixties. For a few minu ...

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You the people….Or not as the case may be. Greek government vote of confidence

You the people....Or not as the case may be. Greek government vote of confidence You the people...., a photo by Teacher Dude's BBQ on Flickr. Against my better judgement I found myself staying up late to follow the Greek government vote of confidence last night. Not so much to find out the result, that was a foregone conclusion after prime minister,Giorgos Papandreou's cabinet reshuffle/meltdown last week. ...

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De Griekse tragedie

Griekenland dreigt heel Europa mee te sleuren in de ondergang. Als het land niet heel snel drastisch gaat snijden in de overheidsuitgaven is het land failliet en zijn ook onze rapen gaar. Hoe staat het met de bezuinigingen? De Slag om Brussel stuurt zijn twee strengste inspecteurs naar Griekenland om daarop toe ze zien. Roland ontwijkt een traangasbom en bezoekt op een geheime missie met een belastinginspec ...

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We may lose,but what matters is how you lose.

Athenians used to stop off at Syntagma Square for the shopping, the shiny rows of upmarket boutiques. Now they arrive in their tens of thousands to protest. Swarming out of the metro station, they emerge into a village of tents, pamphleteers and a booming public address system. Since 25 May, when demonstrators first converged here, this has become an open-air concert – only one where bands have been supplan ...

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Greece: bond slave to Europe

Without sovereign control of their country's debt, the Greek people are being punished with extortion by the ECB and IMF. "Mark Weisbrot for" Imagine that in its worst year of our recent recession, the United States government had decided to reduce its federal budget deficit by more than $800bn – cutting spending and raising taxes to meet this goal. Imagine that, as a result of these measures ...

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Democracy vs Mythology: The Battle in Syntagma Square

Read and discover the real facts and figures about Greek economy, laziness, and retirement age, the proposed bail-outs and more. I have never been more desperate to explain and more hopeful for your understanding of any single fact than this: The protests in Greece concern all of you directly. What is going on in Athens at the moment is resistance against an invasion; an invasion as brutal as that against P ...

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