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Grassroots politics flourish in Greek turmoil

  Few people would want to be in the shoes of Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou these days. Faced with an ostensible mutiny in the ruling social-democrat PASOK party, his worries have been exacerbated by the appearance of an unprecedented, continuous wave of protests in the streets of Athens by thousands of people - who had never demonstrated until a few weeks ago.   Since May 25, 2011, Greec ...

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15th of June we meet outside the Greek embassy in Den Haag.

Wednesday 15th of June at 16.00 we are gathering at Den Haag central in order to reach the Greek embassy where we are going to make our stand.There are thoughts to deliver written the objections we Greek students,workers,unemployed and youth have and ask from the ambassador to transfer them to the Greek parliament as our voice has to be heard. Τετάρτη 16.00 έξω από την Ελληνική πρεσβεία στη Χάγη θα γίνει πα ...

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Spiegel: A European Generation Takes to the Streets

By Mathieu von Rohr and Helene Zuber Any real revolution in Paris has to include the storming of the Bastille. Which explains why 200 young demonstrators are sitting in the shade of the trees at Place de la Bastille on this Thursday evening, wondering how to go about staging such a revolution. Their numbers had already swelled to more than 2,000 by the Sunday before, when they had occupied the entrance to t ...

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Are we having a coup?

I am not quite sure if this is an exageration but definitely it is worth reading it. My non Greek friends, I apologise, but the article is in Greek. Are we having a coup? ...

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Activisten bezetten plein in Luik

LUIK - De Place Saint-Lambert in Luik is al een week lang bezet. Activisten kamperen er en organiseren er activiteiten. Uit solidariteit met de Arabische Lente en de beweging ¡Democracia Real YA! in Spanje. ging naar Luik en bezocht het kamp. In Spanje laat de beweging ¡Democracia Real YA! al wekenlang van zich horen. In meer dan zestig steden bezetten jongeren pleinen. Uit verontwaardigin ...

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Bargain Hunting in Greece : Deutsche Telekom and Others Look to Grab State-Owned Assets at Fire-Sale Prices

By Christopher Lawton And Laura Stevens Greece is for sale – cheap - and Germany is buying. German companies are hunting for bargains in Greece as the debt-stricken government moves to sell state-owned assets to stabilize the country's finances. Deutsche Telekom AG on Monday said it would purchase an additional 10% stake in Greece's Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA for about €400 million, or roug ...

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Greece: Same Tragedy, Different Scripts

By Walden Bello, July 2010 Cafés are full in Athens, and droves of tourists still visit the Parthenon and go island-hopping in the fabled Aegean. But beneath the summery surface, there is confusion, anger and despair as this country plunges into its worst economic crisis in decades. The global media has presented Greece, tiny Greece, as the epicenter of the second stage of the global financial crisis, much ...

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Na Arabische lente, nu hete Griekse zomer

Woedende Grieken komen elke avond naar het parlement om de volksvertegenwoordigers uit te schelden. 'Dit protest is begonnen bij de mensen zelf.' De Grieken zijn het zat. En op weinig plekken is dat zo duidelijk te zien als bij het parlement in de hoofdstad Athene. Elke avond rond zes uur komen duizenden mensen naar de trappen voor de volksvertegenwoordiging om de parlementariërs uit te schelden. Ook deze w ...

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WSJ: Greeks work the longest hours in Europe

Citing Eurostat data, Wall Street Journal on Monday 14 Feb. 2011 published an entry, entitled “Busting North – South Stereotypes” indicating that Greeks in particular have the longest working week in Europe at an average of 42 hours, followed closely by the Spanish and Portuguese with 39-hour weeks. The full WSJ article follows: The euro-zone debt crisis has underlined one of Europe’s more enduring stereoty ...

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