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Actie: Stop nuclear power! Abolish poverty! 23-03-2014, Den Haag

Op 24 en 25 maart zal in Den Haag de Nuclear Security Summit plaatsvinden. Tijdens deze twee-daagse bijeenkomst zullen 58 wereldleiders praten over nucleaire ‘veiligheid’. Zoals altijd bij dit soort bijeenkomsten zal het hier enkel gaan over de belangen van de grote machthebbers, en niet over die van de mensen in het algemeen. Net zo als dat gaat bij bijeenkomsten als de G8 en de G20. Zo willen de wereldlei ...

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Oproep Demonstratie Samen tegen Racisme en Discriminatie – 22 maart 2014, Museumplein, Amsterdam

Nederland heeft een racismeprobleem. Dat zegt de Zwarte Piet Niet beweging. Dat zegt de nationale ombudsman. En dat zegt Amnesty International over de politie. Racisme is geinstititutionaliseerd en voor veel Nederlanders een dagelijkse ervaring. Het aantal racistische incidenten is het afgelopen jaar gestegen. Dit kabinet wil Antilliaanse Nederlanders zelfs apart registreren. Om de aandacht af te leiden van ...

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[VIDEO] Venezuela: Giselle Rubilar, shot dead when removing opposition road block – why is the media not reporting it?

On Saturday, March 8, Gisella Rubilar, 47, was shot dead and two other people suffered serious gunshot wounds. They were attacked as they were removing an opposition roadblock which prevented safe passage to their working class and poor neighbourhood of Pie del Tiro, in the Andean capital of Merida. You will not have heard about this event in the mass media, but is is part of a growing trend of opposition v ...

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Raise your voice! Your body, your choice! International Women’s Day 2014 – Utrecht

Born out of the Socialist movement, the 8th of March has traditionally been the day to celebrate women, the day to especially address and fight for women’s rights and recognition of the (mostly unpaid) work we do as mothers and caretakers. Every year demonstrations and events to make struggles of women visible are organized worldwide. ...

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Ukraine alleges Russian “invasion” of Crimea as Obama warns of “costs”

US President Barack Obama issued a statement Friday evening denouncing “reports of military movements” taken by Russia in Ukraine, warning that “there will be costs for any military intervention.” The comments come as the US/European-stoked regime change operation in Ukraine threatens to develop into a conflict between Western powers and Russia. ...

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The first European country to take away the right to vote from immigrants?

A new immigration bill was submitted to the Greek parliament for debate on 14th February. The bill that will be voted in the upcoming weeks, aims to simplify the residence permit application process and facilitate labour market access for migrants. The same document, however, abolishes the right to vote for immigrants.  According to the Interior Minister Yiannis Michelakis, the proposed provisions are enfor ...

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EU imposes harsh austerity on Croatia, its newest member

European Union (EU) finance ministers have placed Croatia, which joined the bloc last July, in “excessive deficit procedure.” Acting on recommendations from the European Commission, the measure subjects countries with budget deficit in excess of 3 percent and debt of more than 60 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to direct economic control by the EU, and currently affects 16 other member states. ...

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