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‘Spiral of Rebellion’ Sweeps Italy

Pitchfork movement organizers vow 'peaceful invasion' of Rome until ruling regime steps down. Marking the sixth day of relentless blockades, occupations and mass demonstrations that many warn may set off "a spiral of rebellion" across Europe, protesters—marching under the banner of the 'Pitchfork' movement—gathered Saturday in Rome, Turin and Venice, Italy. "Activists wearing Italian flag masks and white no ...

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Europe Sending Armies to Stop Immigrants

A Nov. 19 paper by the European External Action Service (EEAS), the EU diplomatic corps, considers the possibility of the European military getting involved in the south Mediterranean in an effort to curb the influx of irregular migrants and refugees into Europe. ...

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European Commission nominates food lobbyist to EU food safety agency’s management board – again

The European Commission's Health and Consumers Directorate (SANCO) has short-listed a director of the biggest EU food industry lobby group FoodDrinkEurope among the candidates to the management board of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Ms. Beate Kettlitz works in a leading position for the lobby group, which represents all major European food and drink corporations. It is the second year in a row ...

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The struggle in the Greek universities

Greek university education is going through the most critical phase in its entire history, because the Ministry of Education is implementing a harsh mobility scheme for the administrative and technical staff of the country’s eight largest universities, reports Sissy Velissariou. ...

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Dutch intelligence agency AIVD hacks internet fora

The Dutch intelligence service - AIVD - hacks internet web fora to collect the data of all users. The majority of these people are unknown to the intelligence services and are not specified as targets when the hacking and data-collection process starts. A secret document of former NSA-contractor Edward Snowden shows that the AIVD use a technology called Computer Network Exploitation – CNE – to hack the web ...

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‘From the Bottom of Aegean Sea’[1] to Golden Dawn

In modern Greece we often deal with little or large semiological civil wars or with a semiological poly-phrenia since different institutions employ the same language for very different processes. For example ancient Greek words referring to hospitality may either refer to e.g. touristic industry’s slogans (i.e. philoxenia, xenia hotels etc.) or to refer to the most brutal and xenophobic police operation tha ...

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27 november, Leiden: waarschuwingsprotest tegen gemeenten en bazen die dwangarbeiders inzetten

The municipality of Leiden obliges social benefit recipients to take employment below the minimum wage and without labor rights for a period that can exceed two years. Doorbraak is organizing a protest against forced labor on Wednesday 27 November in Leiden. time: 18:30– 20:00 location: Le Pooleweg 11, Leiden Or come to the trein station Leiden Lammenschans, where we will depart from at 18:10 - 10 minutes w ...

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