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Offices of German defense contractors raided in Greece bribe probe

BREMEN, Germany, Aug. 28 (UPI) -- Two German military contractors have been raided amid a probe into alleged bribes paid to Greek officials to land submarine business, prosecutors say. A spokesman for prosecutors in Bremen told Deutsche Welle Friday the offices of Rheinmetall Defense Electronics and Atlas Elektronik were searched by police seeking evidence in connection with bribery and tax evasion allegati ...

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Student’s death touches nerve in austerity-hit Greece

(Reuters) - A 19-year old Greek student who died after an argument with a bus ticket inspector has come to symbolize the plight of a population ground down by worsening poverty and unemployment. Thanassis Kanaoutis suffered a fatal head injury when he fell or jumped from a moving bus as it passed through a middle-class neighborhood of Athens late on Tuesday. Prosecutors have not yet established how Kanaouti ...

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Filmmaker Captures Unguarded Racist Hatred of Greece’s Hostile Golden Dawn Party

By JAKE WHITMAN via Nightline Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames. In Greece, a country crippled by debt and years of failed leadership, a young filmmaker went inside the hate-fueled, rebellious political party known as "Golden Dawn" to capture its members' vocal hostility against immigrants in a society on the brink. Greece's ancient cities, where tourists can wander the shadows of the Acro ...

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Amigdaleza, the Greek Abu Graib

On Saturday night, violent riots broke out in the Detention Centre of Migrants in Amigdaleza, ironically called Guest Centre for Migrants). It is well documented that the detention conditions are horrific and that most of the prisoners are held illegally since they have not committed any crime nor have they been tried and sentenced by any court. Following the riots, the “guests” in Amygdaleza already count ...

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Back to a feudal Europe

Are the economic policies needed to maintain the euro still compatible with democracy? Greece’s state broadcaster was established after the fall of the military dictatorship. Last month the Greek government (which is implementing EU injunctions) decided to shut it down without authorisation from parliament (see Where Syriza stands). ...

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4,000 police on duty for Schaeuble visit

Police ban all 'public gatherings and rallies' in huge swath of city centre from 9am and 8pm on Thursday, including Syntagma Square, focal points of scores of anti-austerity demonstrations. The Greek police has banned public protests in central Athens on Thursday for the duration of the visit of German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, a decision the main opposition party Syriza described as "fascist and ...

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In Greece, things move fast – except justice for Kostas Sakkas

What's in a month? Thursday 4 July marks one calendar month since Kostas Sakkas – a 29-year-old anarchist arrested in Athens in December 2010 and held in prison without a trial since – started a hunger strike, demanding an end to his detention. According to Greek law, pre-trial detentions can extend to 18 months, or 30 in exceptional circumstances. On 4 June, having already reached his legal maximum time in ...

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Ανοιχτή και Ελεύθερη ΕΡΤ – Sign the petition

Σε συνέχεια προηγούμενων εκδηλώσεων συμπαράστασης/διαμαρτυρίας και μετά από μια ανοιχτή συζήτηση στο Ντελφτ την Κυριακή 23 Ιουνίου αναδείχθηκε ως αναγκαιότητα η περαιτέρω ενίσχυση της αλληλεγγύης στον αγώνα των εργαζομένων της ΕΡΤ. Προς αυτό το σκοπό αποφασίστηκε να συνδιαμορφωθεί ένα κείμενο που θα καλεί τους Έλληνες και τις απανταχού Κοινότητες ανά την Ολλανδία να πάρουν θέση ως προς το σημαντικό αυτό ζήτ ...

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Toxic Crisis

The documentary “TOXIC CRISIS” is an insight on Greece’ s environmental issues which are being obscured by the country’s economic crisis. This documentary, by Omiros Evangelinos shows how Greek and European elites commit horrible health and environmental crimes in the name of austerity. ...

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