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Discrimination has no place in our European democracy: condemn the website of Geert Wilders

The Dutch anti-migration party of Geert Wilders has launched a website where Dutch people can file anonymously complaints on workers from Central and Eastern Europe. To make it easy for prospective ‘plaintiffs’ to remember what exactly it is they are resenting, the platform provides handy categories, e.g. public intoxication, disturbing the public peace, spurring job losses etc. SIgn the petition! The free ...

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Struggles intersect at uni occupation in Amsterdam

By bringing together the struggles of students and workers, a historic strike in the Netherlands may contain crucial lessons for the Occupy movement. The occupation we witnessed at the Vrije Universiteit (VU University) in Amsterdam this past week was no ordinary university occupation. But that’s what you get when you combine the energy behind the longest-running sector-wide strike in Dutch history since 19 ...

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Cleaners Strike and occupy

Solidarity Call Out   The last two months the struggle of cleaners has been in the centrepiece of social movements in the Netherlands. The cleaners are among the first who are affected by the economic crisis in the Netherlands. After transportation workers, post workers and employees in subsidised jobs, the cleaners are facing wage cuts. The budget cuts in the cleaning expenses by companies such as Phi ...

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Cleaners start sit-in of respect in Utrecht

On Monday morning thousands of cleaners started a Sit-in Respect in the university campus Uithof in Utrecht. About two thousand cleaners sit in public spaces of the university. “Universities are centres of social progress they have to move forward ... or remain still.” Since January 2nd, 2012, the cleaners fight for respect and the appreciation of their job. The contractors of the cleaning companies such as ...

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Netherlands to Greece: We are all Greeks

The would like to thank everyone who participated in the solidarity action on the 18th of February in Amsterdam. We hope that the solidarity message which was sent yesterday to the Greek people from all over Europe will help them to keep on struggling. Even though we live thousands of kilometres away from Greece, our spirit is with them. And is the spirit of resistance... Solidarity Message From ...

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Cleaners in the Netherlands: We should be paid when we are sick

Furious cleaners occupy the area of negotiations after a ridiculous employers’ proposal – International actions in 10 cities. Hundreds cleaners are on strike for 30 days now. They ask for self-evident things as to be paid while they are sick and to have a normal work-pressure. They also ask a small pay rise. After 4 months of discussions, 7 rounds of negotiations, hundreds of small actions, 6 big demos of r ...

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10/2/2012 Delft – Benefit Party for the Greek Steelworkers on strike

  On October, even though the annually steel production almost doubled last year, the management of Greek Steelworks SA decided to cut down salaries and dismiss many workers using the crisis as an excuse. «On the 17th of October, our boss was clear: 5 hours a day and 40% salary reduction». Two days later, after a general assembly of 280 attendees the workers' response was «If you proceed, we will go on ...

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The Netherlands help large Greek companies to evade taxes in their homeland.

In October, the leader of PVV, Geert Wilders, heavily criticized the moral of Greeks with respect to paying taxes. He pointed  to the huge deposits of rich Greeks in Switzerland. What Wilders failed to report is that the Netherlands is helping the Greeks with tax evasion. From a research that De Pers carried out, it seems that many Greek companies use the Netherlands as a way to avoid the tax authorities. I ...

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Solidariteit met GVB werkers

On Sunday 20 of November, public-transport workers of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and the Hague went on a 24-hour strike. The government decided to reduce the funding of public transport by 40%. More than half of the employes currently working in pubic transport will be laid off. At the same time, the service will be more expensive for the citizens and their quality dramatically worsen. In Amsterdam, it is estimat ...

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'Bread, Education, Freedom !' The junta is back to Greece

Documentary and discussion evening 'Bread, Education, Freedom !' The junta is back to Greece Beursplein Occupy Amsterdam Wednesday, November 16 8:30pm - 10:30pm     Thirty seven (37) years after the fall of the dictatorship in Greece, the historical time clock seems to be turning back. Instead of the US-backed military dictatorship of 1967-1974, a new IMF-EU-back economic dictatorship is being est ...

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