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Greece might stop paying salaries by summer

Unions question the wisdom of austerity as unemployment grows and a contracting economy means less tax revenue. Greece’s austerity policies could create a crisis of insolvency within the country, undermining the very reason they were implemented – to repay the country’s debt - says the country’s biggest labour confederation. “I am afraid that we may see a phenomenon that could cause a social explosion,” say ...

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‘I want all the world to know about us’

For many people flying to Greece means sunshine and leisure. Indeed the sun is shining today and the sea is blue and tempting. But for others, the same sea is dark and dangerous. After arriving in Lesvos, an island right next to Turkey, the first thing we saw on the way from the airport were backpacks and clothes dispersed over a nearby beach. ‘’Irregular migrants landed here this morning,’’ said the taxi d ...

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Greece: what the potato movement did next

New internationalist magazine From direct deals with farmers to guerrilla parks and suicide prevention, Alexandra Saliba documents grassroots solutions to the financial crisis. Even after securing billions in loans from the so-called ‘Troika’, the Greek economy continues to shrink at an alarming rate. Jobs are vanishing. Unemployment is double the euro-zone average and 55 per cent of people aged between 15 ...

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A Very Greek Depression

Athens LIKE many Greeks caught in the maelstrom of the economic crisis, my wife and I live a day-to-day existence. Since the newspaper where I worked for 23 years (my wife for 17) went out of circulation in December of 2011, we have both been unemployed. Neither of us have received a paycheck in 18 months, as our newspaper stopped paying us five months before it closed. With unemployment for journalists at ...

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Greece is on sale in a scandalous way!

The reportage of Envoyé Spécial, broadcast on French TV provides evidence to a scandalous story that took place in Northern Greece. This story concerns the beautiful forest land “Skouries” that was sold by the Greek state to the Canadian mining company "Eldorado Gold" in order to exploit its precious subsoil and therefore be enormously profited from it. The forest though has been assigned for the symbolic p ...

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The factory of Vio.Me (Industrial Mineral) starts production under workers’ control!

IN THE HEART OF THE CRISIS, THE WORKERS OF VIO.ME. ARE AIMING FOR THE HEART OF EXPLOITATION AND PROPERTY. With unemployment climbing to 30%, workers’ income reaching zero, sick and tired of big words, promises and more taxes, unpaid since May 2011 and currently withholding their labour, with the factory abandoned by the employers, the workers of Vio.Me. by decision of their general assembly declare their de ...

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Study of the IME GSEVEE: “Income – Expenses of Households ”

This is part of a press release published in the 7th if February by the the Small Enterprises’ Institute of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Merchants (IME GSEVEE). The institute a non-profit organization that carries out studies and surveys, concerning the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises of the Greek economy. Although the approach of the study is strictly business-orient ...

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Outrage at ultra-right Golden Dawn after racist rally at Doctors of the World clinic treating Greeks as well as migrants

  Racist rally outside aid group's clinic fuels tension   The main leftist opposition party SYRIZA on Friday launched a scathing attack against the ultra-right Golden Dawn following reports that around 60 of the party's supporters staged an anti-immigrant rally outside the offices of the aid group Doctors of the World in the rundown district of Perama, near the port of Piraeus, on Thursday. "Even ...

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