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63 economists pledge support for People’s Assembly

After Osborne’s disastrous budget yesterday, 63 economists have pledged their support for the People’s Assembly with a letter to the Guardian. George Osborne‘s latest budget confirms that austerity policies are set to continue for years to come (Budget 2013, 20 March). This is a call from economists and academics to all those millions of people in Britain who face an impoverished and uncertain year as their ...

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Threats to democracy in Greece

The crisis in Greece is posing serious threats to democracy and human rights (Report, 15 March). We are particularly concerned about the rise of fascism and racism. The government continues to tolerate the violence and hate speech of the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn. Golden Dawn MPs attack democracy and display symbols of the military junta of 1967-1974; the party recruits supporters unopposed by the authorit ...

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Capitalism efficient? We can do so much better

For all its vaunted efficiency, capitalism has foisted wasteful inequality and environmental ruin on us. There is an alternative. What's efficiency got to do with capitalism? The short answer is little or nothing. Economic and social collapses in Detroit, Cleveland and many other US cities did not happen because production was inefficient there. Efficiency problems did not cause the longer-term economic dec ...

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Correspondence from Bulgaria

Translated by ReINFORM Correspondence from Bulgaria: “The events and developments of the Bulgarian Winter” Up to this time, protesting has been taking place daily (from February, 12 until today, March, 3). Every afternoon people gather at the city centers and protest. This happens in over 40 cities and villages, even in areas where no protests had ever happened before. The protests initially targeted the re ...

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Software that tracks people on social media created by defence firm

The essence of the story is simple. Raytheon is reported to have developed software “capable of tracking people’s movements and predicting future behaviour by mining data from social networking websites”. Whether the details of the story are correct, and whether Raytheon’s software is particularly good at doing what it is supposed to do isn’t really the main point: the emergence of software like this was al ...

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Altered mug shots spur probe into Greek police beatings

(Reuters) - A Greek prosecutor ordered an investigation on Monday into whether four suspected bank robbers were beaten in custody after police published mug shots that were altered to make their injuries appear less severe. Rights groups and critics have long accused Greek police of detaining immigrants and other prisoners in shocking conditions. Photos published in the Greek media of the men, who were aged ...

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Greece: How Long Until Junta?

A description of a lazy and corrupted nation that does not recognise the sacrifices made by the Germans and an unrest caused by anarchists against whom only fascists can fight back.. This picture would justify a coup, right? Now we can all agree that they did it to themselves and they deserve it, right? A scandalous analysis by Huffington Post. Comment by ReINFORM ------------------------------------------- ...

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With New Constitution, Post-Collapse Iceland Inches Toward Direct Democracy

Rebloged from When the global financial system crumbled over four years ago, Iceland played host to one of the most dramatic economic collapses in modern history. Its three largest banks were unable to refinance debt roughly ten times the size of the country's gross domestic product (GDP), causing one of the world's wealthiest nations to limp with hat in hand to the International Moneta ...

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The tourists held by Greek police as illegal migrants

By Chloe Hadjimatheou BBC News, Athens Greek police have stepped up efforts to catch illegal immigrants in recent months, launching a new operation to check the papers of people who look foreign. But tourists have also been picked up in the sweeps - and at least two have been badly beaten. When Korean backpacker Hyun Young Jung was stopped by a tall scruffy looking man speaking Greek on the street in centra ...

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Man arrested for making an "annoying" question to police.

 “Why are you stepping on his belly? You have already arrested him!” A 40-year-old man is arrested because he posed this question to a policemen stepping on the belly of an already immobilized immigrant.   On Saturday 21 July 2012 the 40-year-old man was in his apartment in Athens with his family when he heard shouts from the street. He went outside to see what was going on and he saw 4-5 policemen hav ...

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