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The left in Greece must rise up against Golden Dawn

The only way to stop the fascists profiting from the breakdown of the Greek state is to offer a socialist alternative to capitalism. Greece – and the rise of Golden Dawn – is an extreme parable of what has happened to many developed countries since the global crisis broke out in 2007. The policies of the Greek "rescue" – where the Greek people had no inkling what was afoot until the agreement was signed in ...

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Let’s get done with the system that breeds fascism – An interview with Dimitris Kousouris

Dimitris Kousouris is one of the first political victims of Golden Dawn attacks. On June 16th, 1998, in a café outside the courts of Athens, he was attacked brutally by a group of Golden Dawn members. He had to go through a difficult brain surgery and he barely escaped death. The attackers were identified by Kousouris and his friends. The main perpetrator was back then nr 2 in the leadership of Golden Dawn, ...

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Golden Dawn’s rise signals breakdown of the Greek state’s authority

The far-right party's emergence – supported by far too many in positions of power – has created a toxic situation Protest in London on Saturday after the murder in Athens of Greek hip-hop artist Pavlos Fyssas by Golden Dawn. Photograph: Pete Riches/Demotix/Corbis   Today, it is reported that elements in the Greek armed forces have been training Golden Dawn hit squads. There are allegations that there i ...

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Man (34) dies after being stabbed by neonazis

Hip-hopper Pavlos Fyssas attacked by men in 'black and camouflage uniforms' Victim dies in hospital after being stabbed three times in the chest outside a café in Amfiali, a district of Piraeus, shortly after midnight by a group of neonazis dressed in black and camouflage uniforms A 34-year-old man died in the early hours of Wednesday morning after he was attacked by neonazis and subsequently stabbed in Pir ...

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Thousands demonstrate in Athens after supporters of neo-Nazi party leave nine seriously injured amid fears of civil war

Greeks protest against Golden Dawn attack on Communists Members of the Golden Dawn party guard a stage during a rally in Athens earlier this year. Photograph: Yorgos Karahalis/Reuters/Corbis Thousands of Greeks took to the streets of Athens on Friday to protest against a violent attack on Communist party members by black-shirted supporters of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party which left nine people in hospital ...

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State and shadowy attacks against the antifa movement and migrants in Greece

In the recent months, state and shadowy/parastatal attacks by police forces and fascist groups against antifascists and immigrants in Greece have increased alarmingly. The country is being rapidly turned into a battlefield of a new civil war and the state stands for it. Here you can see an indicative inventory of the most significant attacks in the period of the last three months: 01/06 – Formal grievance a ...

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Filmmaker Captures Unguarded Racist Hatred of Greece’s Hostile Golden Dawn Party

By JAKE WHITMAN via Nightline Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames. In Greece, a country crippled by debt and years of failed leadership, a young filmmaker went inside the hate-fueled, rebellious political party known as "Golden Dawn" to capture its members' vocal hostility against immigrants in a society on the brink. Greece's ancient cities, where tourists can wander the shadows of the Acro ...

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Amigdaleza, the Greek Abu Graib

On Saturday night, violent riots broke out in the Detention Centre of Migrants in Amigdaleza, ironically called Guest Centre for Migrants). It is well documented that the detention conditions are horrific and that most of the prisoners are held illegally since they have not committed any crime nor have they been tried and sentenced by any court. Following the riots, the “guests” in Amygdaleza already count ...

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Young leftist activist brain dead after ‘politically motivated’ Paris skinhead attack

A left-wing French activist has been rendered brain dead after being brutally assaulted by neo-Nazi skinheads. Police called the attack against the 19-year-old ‘politically motivated.’ Police described the attack against left-wing anti-fascist activist Clément Méric as “politically motivated incident involving the far-right versus the far-left,” with witnesses saying angry words were exchanged between he an ...

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