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Solidarity message from Rosia Montana related to criminal charges against people from Halkidiki

To: Hellenic Mining Watch Ref: Solidarity message related to criminal charges against people from Halkidiki and Hellenic Mining Watch 16 October 2013 Dear colleagues at Hellenic Mining Watch, We’ve learned, with great concern, about the 29 residents of Halkidiki charged with “participating in a criminal organization”. The Greek state says that the purpose of this alleged criminal organization is that “throu ...

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More than half of experts at the EU food safety authority have conflicts of interest

Almost 60% of experts sitting on the European Food Safety Authority's (EFSA) panels have direct or indirect links with industries regulated by the agency, according to an independent screening performed by Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) and freelance journalist Stéphane Horel. The report “Unhappy Meal. The European Food Safety Authority's independence problem”identifies major loopholes in EFSA's indepen ...

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Qatar’s World Cup ‘slaves’

Dozens of Nepalese migrant labourers have died in Qatar in recent weeks and thousands more are enduring appalling labour abuses, a Guardian investigation has found, raising serious questions about Qatar's preparations to host the 2022 World Cup. ...

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Romanian gold rush cancelled as protesters defeat Europe’s biggest mine

Plan to blast Transylvanian mountains dropped despite promise of billions Romania’s Prime Minister has conceded that his efforts to end a 14-year deadlock and open Europe’s biggest goldmine were likely to fail, after the project provoked nationwide protests against the use of cyanide in the Transylvanian mountains. The government had argued that the project – by the Canadian mining company, Gabriel Resource ...

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South African gold miners strike over ‘slave wages in white man’s economy’

About 80,000 gold miners in South Africa walked out on strike on Tuesday night, raising fears of renewed violence in the crisis-hit industryand underlining the government's dwindling authority. President Jacob Zuma admitted that he could only plead with companies and unions to find a peaceful solution and avoid seriously damaging the economy, already hit by sluggish growth and a contagion of strikes in othe ...

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The war drive against Syria

Ten years after the US government went to war in Iraq on the basis of lies about nonexistent weapons of mass destruction (WMD), a no less grotesque provocation is being concocted by Paris, London, and Washington to justify a new war of aggression against Syria. ...

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The Netherlands haven for companies that violate human rights

The Netherlands is host to companies that are involved in human rights violations all over the world. This follows from new research by SOMO (The Research Centre on Multinational Corporations) on the relationship between Dutch tax and investment policy attracting international businesses to the Netherlands, and human rights. Whilst the Dutch government, in its recently published policy statement on corporat ...

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Denouncing the murderous attack to Greek anti-mining activists in Megali Panagia, Chalkidiki.

The struggle for water and nature is a struggle for life and will always prevail! Initiative 136 Think of the following scenario, typical up to now in countries in Latin America: A government in debt to the banks is under surveillance by the FMI and applies neoliberal austerity measures that provoke recession and drive the majority of the population into unemployment and poverty. ...

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