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Raise your voice! Your body, your choice! International Women’s Day 2014 – Utrecht

Born out of the Socialist movement, the 8th of March has traditionally been the day to celebrate women, the day to especially address and fight for women’s rights and recognition of the (mostly unpaid) work we do as mothers and caretakers. Every year demonstrations and events to make struggles of women visible are organized worldwide. ...

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Zesduizend demonstranten tegen de participatiewet

Meer dan 6000 werknemers uit de publieke sector legden dinsdag 11 februari het werk neer om te demonstreren in Den Haag. De vakbonden Abvakabo FNV en CNV Publieke Zaak hebben werkers met een arbeidsbeperking opgeroepen om te protesteren tegen de nieuw participatiewet waarover de Tweede Kamer binnenkort besluit. De opkomst was het dubbele van verwacht, en uiteindelijk kwamen 145 gevulde bussen naar Den Haag ...

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De oorlog tegen Rishi: waarom het doorgaat na zijn dood

Op 24 november vorig jaar schoot de Haagse politie de zeventienjarige Nederlandse staatsburger Rishi Chandrikasing dood op station Holland Spoor. Toen de politie werd verteld dat een gewapende man iemand op het station had bedreigd, achtervolgden drie agenten Rishi met getrokken pistool. Even later werd hij fataal geraakt in de nek. In zijn zakken zijn alleen sleutels gevonden, en een telefoon. ...

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Mark Rutte & Jeroen Dijsselbloem: Everything they didn’t know about austerity and were afraid to ask (or admit)

For the last few years after the crisis I couldn’t get my head around the fact that so many Dutch people knew so little about Greece, and yet they felt the need to express their views in a very loud and provocative way, and pass judgment. The first few months of the crisis in Greece, Dutch tabloids like De Telegraph, came out with front page reports from Greece and published photos of Greeks enjoying their ...

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Dutch intelligence agency AIVD hacks internet fora

The Dutch intelligence service - AIVD - hacks internet web fora to collect the data of all users. The majority of these people are unknown to the intelligence services and are not specified as targets when the hacking and data-collection process starts. A secret document of former NSA-contractor Edward Snowden shows that the AIVD use a technology called Computer Network Exploitation – CNE – to hack the web ...

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27 november, Leiden: waarschuwingsprotest tegen gemeenten en bazen die dwangarbeiders inzetten

The municipality of Leiden obliges social benefit recipients to take employment below the minimum wage and without labor rights for a period that can exceed two years. Doorbraak is organizing a protest against forced labor on Wednesday 27 November in Leiden. time: 18:30– 20:00 location: Le Pooleweg 11, Leiden Or come to the trein station Leiden Lammenschans, where we will depart from at 18:10 - 10 minutes w ...

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De nieuwe extreem-rechtse vrienden van Wilders

Geert Wilders is een ‘opperjodenknecht’. Nee, hij is ‘een groot man, met meer ballen dan ons allemaal bij elkaar’. Welkom op het extreem-rechtse internetforum Stormfront. ‘White Pride World Wide’ staat in de linkerbovenhoek. Al jaren woedt hier een felle discussie over de ware aard van Geert Wilders. ‘Gematigde’ stemmen juichen diens politieke successen toe. Maar neonazi’s serveren Wilders af als ‘landverra ...

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Loud protest against Le Pen and Wilders

About 60 people protested against the visit of French extreme-right politician Marine Le Pen in Den Haag. She was here to talk to Geert Wilders about European cooperation. A loud cacophony was provided by drums, horns and an air raid siren. With this noise protest, the anti-fascists made it clear that they were not pleased with Le Pen’s visit and the racist ideology of the Front National and the PVV. The so ...

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Financial Secrecy Index – 2013 Results: Germany, US and UK are the biggest tax heavens in the world.

Germany, US and UK among the biggest tax heavens in the world. UK: New index reveals UK runs biggest part of global secrecy network This new edition of the Financial Secrecy Index shows that the United Kingdom is the most important global player in the financial secrecy world. While the UK itself ranks only in 21st place, it supports and partly controls a web of secrecy jurisdictions around the world, from ...

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