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Fight austerity and free trade! Blockade the EU Summit!

Join citizens, farmers, NGOs and trade unions from across Belgium to fight back against the EU's destructive austerity policies and its attempt to give corporations the keys to Europe through a new EU-US free trade deal: ****BLOCKADE THE EU SUMMIT - 19 DEC 2013!**** The day of action is organised by the D19-20 Alliance (CEO is one of the supporter organisations), and is part of two days aimed at fighting th ...

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‘Spiral of Rebellion’ Sweeps Italy

Pitchfork movement organizers vow 'peaceful invasion' of Rome until ruling regime steps down. Marking the sixth day of relentless blockades, occupations and mass demonstrations that many warn may set off "a spiral of rebellion" across Europe, protesters—marching under the banner of the 'Pitchfork' movement—gathered Saturday in Rome, Turin and Venice, Italy. "Activists wearing Italian flag masks and white no ...

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Anti-Gold mining info evening: An attempt to build a strategy platform

On Sunday 8th of December ReINFORM invites you to an info evening about anti-gold mining struggles. Following our last action on November 9th for Skouries international day, we are extending our scope to build a network on mutual struggles taking place all over the world. El Dorado Gold Co. is involved in mining activities in Greece, Romania, Turkey, China, Brazil and Canada among others. [divide style="2"] ...

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Analysis: What lurks beneath the closure of ERT

The real reasons behind the ERT shutdown, the 300 million the state lost, and who benefits from it. By Apostolis Fotiadis The eviction of the remaining staff from former public television’s (ERT) building last night in Athens was a bitter showdown of an unequal brinkmanship. The picture of handcuffs used as a padlock at building’s gate has already become one of historical value. It is a picture from the fut ...

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Gold is our land, gold is our water, gold is the mountain and our beautiful village

International Action Day Against Gold Mines in Halkidiki  9 / 11 / 2013 Halkidiki is a peninsula of Northern Greece, with a very diverse, biologically important natural landscape, combining mountainous primordial forests with beautiful coastline. Part of it belongs to NATURA 2000 network and is protected by international conventions. Halkidiki’s landscape is also of historically and culturally precious as i ...

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International Action Day Against Gold Mines in Halkidiki

9th November 2013 International Action Day Against Gold Mines in Halkidiki   What is at Stake Halkidiki, the birthplace of the ancient philosopher Aristotle, is a place of such great natural beauty that, every year, it is flooded by tourists from all over the world. In the western part of Halkidiki lies the primeval forest of Skouries. A few years ago the multinational gold mining company Eldorado Gold ...

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Pro zwarte piet manifestatie orgie van racisme

AFA Nederland Afgelopen zaterdag (26-10-2013) manifesteerden zo’n 500 mensen voor het behoud van zwarte piet binnen het sinterklaasfeest. Onder de manifestanten bevonden zich zo’n 30 neo-nazi’s, mensen van de PVV en kwam het tot een flinke racistische uitspatting tegen een gekleurde vrouw. “Oprotten zwarte, terug naar je eigen land!” werd er geschreeuwd. Een gekleurde vrouw met een vlag van West Papua was o ...

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