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In Greece, things move fast – except justice for Kostas Sakkas

What's in a month? Thursday 4 July marks one calendar month since Kostas Sakkas – a 29-year-old anarchist arrested in Athens in December 2010 and held in prison without a trial since – started a hunger strike, demanding an end to his detention. According to Greek law, pre-trial detentions can extend to 18 months, or 30 in exceptional circumstances. On 4 June, having already reached his legal maximum time in ...

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Anarchist Kostas Sakkas on hunger strike since June 4

Over the past few days, numerous acts of solidarity took place throughout Greece in solidarity with imprisoned anarchist Kostas Sakkas, who is on hunger strike since the 4th of June 2013 fighting for his immediate release. On the 11th of June, a treating physician reported that clinically he has profound weakness, fatigue after minimal exertion (e.g. walking from his cell to the prisons infirmary), discomfo ...

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Turkish protest takes root in Istanbul square after security forces withdraw

Demonstrators claim victory following weekend of violent clashes with police, but Erdogan warns of retaliatory measures. Turkey's prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was facing the biggest challenge to his 10-year rule this weekend as parts of Istanbul turned into a war zone. Violent clashes took place between riot police and tens of thousands of demonstrators outraged at the heavy-handed response of auth ...

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The Violence of Austerity in Greece – Photo exhibition

    Photos by Marios Lolos, president of the Greek Union of Photojournalists, Dimitris Michalakis, Yiannis Karabatsos, Yiannis Biliris and the archive of the newspaper Avgi, document the effects of austerity measures on the Greek society. The exhibition will also host the collection of photos #MAT1236 showing the police brutality in Greece. Citizens struck by poverty and hunger, massive protests a ...

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Solidarity Hunger strike in The Hague

On Thursday, May 16th, 10:00, a two-day solidarity hunger strike will start at the Plein in The Hague, to show our support to the hunger- and thirst strike in detention center Rotterdam. We want to draw attention to Dutch asylum policy which aims to exclude refugees from society and call for an immediate policy change. Descent asylum policy ensures that people in emergency are guaranteed safety and a future ...

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We are all teachers!

The government’s attack on the rights and needs of the working people is targeting education. Students and teachers are sacrificed in order to repay the bankers and creditors and protect business profits. The wretched tripartite government and the Troika aim to slash public spending for Education. They vote emergency laws limiting the number of teachers in the public schools. They close thousands of schools ...

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Amsterdam’s Refugee Camp evicted and church squatted

Netherlands, 7 dec 2012 [flagallery gid=4 name=Gallery] Three month old migrant protest camp Osdorp/Amsterdam evicted – 96 undocumented arrested, 86 released, 1 deported -; followed by big church squatted for continuation protest in western suburb of Amsterdam; protest camp in The Hague threatened with eviction. Photo report of eviction: Photo report of Flight church: htt ...

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Last Friday, around 5 a.m., Greek Riot Police broke the picket lines at the Greek Steelworks, where the workers have been on a long-term heroic strike for 9 months now, raising waves of international solidarity. The strikers present at the factory were beaten and arrested. They have been taken to the Greek Police HQ, where they are still detained, and are expected to be judged in summary proceedings for fla ...

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