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Solidarity message from Rosia Montana related to criminal charges against people from Halkidiki

To: Hellenic Mining Watch Ref: Solidarity message related to criminal charges against people from Halkidiki and Hellenic Mining Watch 16 October 2013 Dear colleagues at Hellenic Mining Watch, We’ve learned, with great concern, about the 29 residents of Halkidiki charged with “participating in a criminal organization”. The Greek state says that the purpose of this alleged criminal organization is that “throu ...

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AUSTERITY BREEDS FASCISM On the evening of 17th September in a neighborhood of Athens, the 34-year old hip-hop artist and antifascist activist Pavlos Fyssas was murdered by a gang of the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn. The murderer admitted to be a member of Golden Dawn while it is known that he is on the party's payroll. This crime was a follow-up to the violent attack of Golden Dawn last week against members ...

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Romanian gold rush cancelled as protesters defeat Europe’s biggest mine

Plan to blast Transylvanian mountains dropped despite promise of billions Romania’s Prime Minister has conceded that his efforts to end a 14-year deadlock and open Europe’s biggest goldmine were likely to fail, after the project provoked nationwide protests against the use of cyanide in the Transylvanian mountains. The government had argued that the project – by the Canadian mining company, Gabriel Resource ...

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Impossible Biographies

Many years before the first clouds of the crisis would hover over the greek skies, amidst greek society's most glorious of moments and its most mundane of days, the lives and labour of migrants would be faced with their meticulous devaluation. Impossible Biographies from Ross Domoney on Vimeo.   For them, the crisis has by now come of age. Yet despite and against shallow journalistic interpretations, t ...

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Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years in prison

US Army Private First Class Bradley Manning arrives alongside military officials at a US military court facility to hear his sentence in his trial at Fort Meade, Maryland on August 21, 2013. (AFP Photo / Saul Loeb)   A US military judge has sentenced Army Pfc. Bradley Manning to 35 years in prison. Manning faced up to 90 years behind bars, while prosecutors sought to put the whistleblower away for a mi ...

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Zapatistas celebrate 10 years of autonomy with ‘escuelita’| ROAR + message from OWSZapatista and SupMarcos

by OrsanSenalp An email from comrade OWSZapatista follows and attached is the last communiqes from SupMarcos… The Zapatistas invite 1.500 activists from all over the world to a ‘Little School of Liberty’ in Chiapas to learn from their experiment with autonomy. It was 10 years ago, on January 1, 2003, when — having exhausted the road of dialogue with the government as well the one of a “big R” Revolution tha ...

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26 June: International day of solidarity with the struggle of the workers of Vio.Me.

The struggle of the workers of Vio.Me. has now a long history but at the same time it is a struggle that comes from the future.   Vio.Me: Self-Organization in Greece from brandon jourdan on Vimeo.   It is a story of a factory abandoned by the employers, forgotten by the state and the government and ignored by bureaucratic trade unionism. It is a story of a factory where, same as in many other plac ...

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Occupy ERT in Amsterdam.

Solidarity to ERT from The Netherlands Greeks demonstrating for ERT Occupy and Turks demonstrating for Taksim Occupy are chanting together: "Turkey, Greece, you are not alone!" "Erdogan, dictator - Samaras, dictator!" Amsterdam 13 June 2013 Occupy ERT from Reinform NL on Vimeo. ...

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Anouncement for the closure of the Greek Public Broadcaster (ERT) by FNV KIEM

Translated from Netherlands. ‘Πρωθυπουργέ Ρούτε, καταδίκασε τη σίγαση της Ελληνικής κρατικής ραδιοτηλεόρασης’ Το συνδικάτο FNV KIEM, μαζί με άλλα συνδικάτα σε όλο τον κόσμο, καταδικάζει τη ξαφνική κατάργηση του δημόσιου Ελληνικού ραδιοτηλεοπτικού φορέα, ΕΡΤ. Η Ελληνική κυβέρνηση αποφάσισε να κλείσει το τηλεοπτικό κανάλι με την παρούσα μορφή, με τη δικαιολογία ότι ‘κατασπαταλά το δημόσιο χρήμα’. Το σήμα των ...

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Call for solidarity to the workers of ERT, 13 June in Amsterdam.

On Tuesday night, the Greek government blocked the transmission of the Greek public broadcaster (ERT). The decision was taken earlier that day by the government in a totally undemocratic way. There was no prior discussion about it in the parliament. PM Samaras' "success story" has not convinced anyone, so he decided to take one more "successful" step towards the Troika's demand for 4.000 layoffs of civil se ...

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