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We want a different Brazil

For the first time in 20 years, massive countrywide demonstrations have rocked Brazil. A year ahead of elections, President Dilma Rousseff knows she needs to listen carefully: the young, the poor and the new middle classes all want a country that works and that is cleaned of corruption. ...

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Amsterdam, Sunday, June 16: Demonstration of the Greek Communist Party against the shutdown of ERT

The grassroots organization of the Communist Party of Greece in the Netherlands call the immigrants and local workers in mobilization on Sunday, June 16 at 15:00 in Dam square in Amsterdam, against the unacceptable government's decision to shutdown the Greek Public Broadcasting (ERT). The shutdown will result to 2,700 job cuts and moreover it will deliver the public property, paid by the Greek people, to th ...

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Panhellenic Association of Journalist Unions – The strike for free press continues

After the reactionary speech of PM Samaras for the closure of the public broadcaster ERT that produced fierce reaction in Greece and in all over the world, today Thursday June 13th, the unions and the coordination of the media workers decided unanimously to prolong our strike in all electronic and paper media. In this strike participate journalists, administrative personnel, technical-support employees in r ...

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Solidarity Hunger strike in The Hague

On Thursday, May 16th, 10:00, a two-day solidarity hunger strike will start at the Plein in The Hague, to show our support to the hunger- and thirst strike in detention center Rotterdam. We want to draw attention to Dutch asylum policy which aims to exclude refugees from society and call for an immediate policy change. Descent asylum policy ensures that people in emergency are guaranteed safety and a future ...

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We are all teachers!

The government’s attack on the rights and needs of the working people is targeting education. Students and teachers are sacrificed in order to repay the bankers and creditors and protect business profits. The wretched tripartite government and the Troika aim to slash public spending for Education. They vote emergency laws limiting the number of teachers in the public schools. They close thousands of schools ...

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Ook wij steunen de strijd voor de thuiszorg!

Het uitkleden van de gezondheidszorg en in het bijzonder van de thuiszorg in Nederland, is niet nieuw in Europa. Dit gebeurt al in de zuidelijke landen met als excuus de crisis. In Griekenland was de goedkope staatsgezondheidszorg al voor 2008 zo uitgekleed dat privéklinieken, instellingen, corrupt medisch personeel en leveranciers er jarenlang flink aan verdiend hebben. Na de bezuinigingen, die door de EU ...

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Together we can prevent 100.000 lay offs in the homecare!

Last Saturday home care workers protested massively in the Hague. More than 6000 home care workers joined one of the biggest demonstration in the Netherlands. Rutte's cabinet plans to reduce the government's home care budget by 1,1 billion euros. Such a plan will lead to 100.000 lay offs in the social sector.         ...

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Distributiewerkers: Waarom de achterkamerdeal met het CNV weinig voorstelt

Het AH-management verwijst vol trots naar de afspraken die met CNV gemaakt zijn. Die afspraken werden gemaakt nadat de onderhandelaars van FNV Bondgenoten uit het pand gezet waren. FNV Bondgenoten heeft 10 keer zoveel leden. Een deal zonder de grootste vakbond is een provocatie. Het AH-management kiest voor een ramkoers. En daarom gaat de staking door. Inhoudelijk stelt de deal weinig voor. De stakende dist ...

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