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Solidarity from Syntagma to Taksim!

 [ 7th  June 2013. Beursplein, Amsterdam ] Solidarity with protesters in Turkey For many days, Turkish people have been taking to the streets to fight for their future. For many years, they have been facing the brutal repression of undemocratic regimes. The Turkish people paid the price of the economic crisis in the beginning of the previous decade and the ‘recovery’ that followed. The well-known recipe of ...

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Athens June 3rd 2013 Press Release The timeline of Bulut Yayla’s non-access to the asylum-request procedure The Greek law (PD 114/2010, article 4) rules: “1. Every foreigner or individual not having the Greek citizenship has the right to apply for international protection”. Bulut Yayla is under the protection of the Greek Council for Refugees and enjoys the legal and social protection that the Council provi ...

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Turkish protest takes root in Istanbul square after security forces withdraw

Demonstrators claim victory following weekend of violent clashes with police, but Erdogan warns of retaliatory measures. Turkey's prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was facing the biggest challenge to his 10-year rule this weekend as parts of Istanbul turned into a war zone. Violent clashes took place between riot police and tens of thousands of demonstrators outraged at the heavy-handed response of auth ...

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Solidarity to the uprising Turkish people

Photo from Amsterdam   We follow closely what is happening these days in Taksim and elsewhere in Turkey. We wholeheartedly support you and your fair demands. A protest of only 500 people trying to protect the trees in Gezi park is now the struggle of thousands of you against state violence and fascism. Contrary to what the governments of both countries are trying to convince us, Greeks and Turks share ...

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İstanbul, Turkey: Taksim Gezi Park occupied

It is the third day of occupation of Taksim Gezi Park in İstanbul. The protest camp started when construction vehicles entered the park and tried to pull out the trees. Government wants to build a shopping mall at the location of the park. So, many people are camping in Taksim Gezi Park to defend the trees. Early in the morning of May 30th, 2013, at around 5am, the police attacked the occupiers with tear ga ...

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Kayiki Press Release: “Grief itself is not enough”

KAYIKI PRESS RELEASE 18.01.2013 “Grief itself is not enough”   On Sunday January 13, 2013 three corpses have been found on the seashore of south Chios Island. They belonged to refugees trying to cross the European borders. On December 15 a refugee boat heading from Turkey to Greece capsized near Lesvos Island, twenty eight people - including women and children- tragically drowned. Earlier, on September ...

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Na Duitsland heeft ook het Nederlandse kabinet besloten om patriotraketten te sturen naar Turks-Syrische grens. Samen met deze raketten zullen ook honderden Nederlandse militairen gestationeerd worden op Turks grondgebied.  Wij verzetten ons resoluut tegen de legering van Nederlandse troepen en patriotraketten in Turkije. Turkije en het Midden-Oosten hebben behoefte aan vrede en geen oorlog. De bevolking in ...

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Zaterdag, 14 juli: Wees solidair met de ontslagen werknemers van Turkish Airlines (THY)

De werknemers van Turkish Airlines (THY) strijden al zes weken tegen de ontslagen en het stakingsverbod in de luchtvaart. Het bestuur van THY, gesteund door de AKP-regering, wil niets weten van de rechtvaardige eisen van duizenden werknemers. Sterker nog, de bazen worden steeds agressiever tegen de arbeiders die opkomen voor hun rechten. Bliksemsnel stakingsverbod De maanden durende cao-onderhandelingen tus ...

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