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Police attacks Villa Amalias Squat in Athens

Once again, the State is trying to terrorise by means of sudden raids against occupied self-organized spaces. Villa Amalias squat is housed in the building of Heyden and Acharnon street for 22 years. Within the squat hundreds of political and cultural events have been held (concerts, theatrical performances, screenings etc), while the anti-commercial culture that opposes the culture of sale and profit, powe ...

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Man arrested for making an "annoying" question to police.

 “Why are you stepping on his belly? You have already arrested him!” A 40-year-old man is arrested because he posed this question to a policemen stepping on the belly of an already immobilized immigrant.   On Saturday 21 July 2012 the 40-year-old man was in his apartment in Athens with his family when he heard shouts from the street. He went outside to see what was going on and he saw 4-5 policemen hav ...

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Greece's treatment of migrants shameful, says Amnesty

Greece fails to provide even basic requirements of safety and shelter to migrants, the report says Greece faces a "humanitarian crisis" over its mistreatment of asylum-seekers and migrants, according to a report by Amnesty International. The group accuses the government of detaining thousands of refugees, including many children, in "shameful [and] appalling" conditions. Greece is a major gateway for migran ...

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Factory occupation and workers control in Thessaloniki, Greece – Discussion Event in Utrecht

By Kritische Studenten Utrecht It is already the 17th month that the factory “Viomichaniki Metalleutiki” in Thessaloniki, Greece, remains closed. The workers attempt an important struggle under difficult circumstances, to get the factory out of capital's grasp and put it under workers control. What difficulties do these workers encounter? How does direct democracy on the workfloor work? How to deal with the ...

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Organising to survive in Greece

Tonia Katerini of Syriza describes the social solidarity movement rising as Greeks struggle for survival. The first problem is that in Greece now we have 25 per cent unemployment, with youth unemployment reaching 58 per cent and unemployment in areas that used to be highly industrialised sometimes reaching 70-80 per cent. Many industries either close because we have very low consumption or, as in the case o ...

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Migrants found dead off Greek coast

Evros fence in the Northeast borders to stop migrants mainly coming through Turkey to Greece is completed with cost 3,160000€ . This is leading the migrants to try to come to European territory [Greece] through the sea via Turkey. This had a major implication with the rise of dead people; among them many children, found drawn in the shores of Greek islands and many more not found yet.   Aljazeera repor ...

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A nexus of media, business and politics lies behind the country's crisis, say critics.

Special Report: Greece's triangle of power   By Stephen Grey and Dina Kyriakidou (Reuters) - In late 2011 the Greek finance minister made an impassioned plea for help to rescue his country from financial ruin. "We need a national collective effort: all of us have to carry the burden together," announced Evangelos Venizelos, who has since become leader of the socialist party PASOK. "We need something th ...

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Teachers in Greece react to government plans to undermine education

Currently, the Greek ministry of education is unfolding its plans for the reform of education. In accordance with the harsh austerity policies that are agreed with the Troika (EU, ECB, IMF) thousands of teachers and administrative employees will be fired, while hundreds of schools will shut down. At the same time, the ministry is imposing a new system of evaluation for education at all levels. The principle ...

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Rise of Fascism in Greece and Europe – Event report

On Saturday December 8th the event "The rise of fascism in Greece and Europe" organised by Reinform took place at "De Brakke Grond" in Amsterdam. It included presentations and a discussion looking at how and why fascist ideas and movements develop in society, with a focus on recent developments in Greece where a neo-nazi party (Golden Dawn) has suddenly gained electoral support and has entered the parliamen ...

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Syrian refugees 'turned back from Greek border by police'

Asylum seekers crossing from Turkey say they have been illegally deported by Greek police or blocked from entering   UN general secretary Ban Ki-Moon talks to refugees during a visit to the Islahiye Syrian refugee camp in Gaziantep, Turkey. Photograph: Veli Gurgah/Anadolu/EPA On the edge of Europe, where the river Evros meanders towards the Aegean sea, a new tragedy involving two of the world's most tr ...

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