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Paul Krugman: Greece as Victim

Ever since Greece hit the skids, we’ve heard a lot about what’s wrong with everything Greek. Some of the accusations are true, some are false — but all of them are beside the point. Yes, there are big failings in Greece’s economy, its politics and no doubt its society. But those failings aren’t what caused the crisis that is tearing Greece apart, and threatens to spread across Europe. No, the origins of thi ...

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Greece's biggest hospital struggles as austerity cuts bite – video

As Greece faces the most important election in a generation, its public healthcare system is on the verge of total collapse, with many hospitals forced to cancel operations. Greek documentary maker Aris Chatzistefanou, whose films Debtocracy and Catastroika have made him one of the most exciting young voices in Europe was given access to Nikaia hospital to meet the doctors struggling to keep their patients ...

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The Greek elections on May 6 delivered a clear message: NO MORE AUSTERITY. No political party or coalition has any legitimacy to continue the austerity policies either inside or outside the Eurozone. Regardless the result of the coming elections we will continue to take the streets and struggle against the neoliberal policies in Greece and all over Europe. The victory of the people in Greece will be a victo ...

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From Athens to Amsterdam: NO to the cutbacks!

Saturday June 16th Solidarity rally 15:00 Beursplein, Amsterdam From Athens to Amsterdam: NO to the cutbacks! Solidarity with the Greek resistance against European austerity The developments in Greece concern all of us. The long-lasting implementation of harsh austerity measures has led the country into a deep social crisis. The EU and the IMF demand the continuation of these disastrous policies in Greece a ...

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The strike at Greek Steelworks was declared illegal

The strike of the workers at Greek Steelworks was declared illegal yesterday by court order. The steelworkers have been striking for 220 days, refusing to accept wage reductions, "flexible" work hours and demanding that their fired coworkers be hired back. The strike has won the support of trade unions and organizations from all over the world. It is one of the many struggles at the workplace that are curre ...

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A "man" elected with the fascist party attacks women live on Greek TV show.

After calling Liana Kaneli (MP elected with the Communist party) “You dirty commie” and throwing a glass of water at Rena Dourou (MP elected with the party Syriza), he started hitting the Liana Kaneli!!! Ilias Kasidiaris had a court case two days ago because he is accused of robbery, assault, gun possession and gun usage. video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player Τhe official view of Xrysi A ...

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Greece can do without the ‘sympathy’ the IMF has shown Niger

In Niger, the IMF’s loans have done more harm than good as ordinary people have had to pay the price for reckless lending. Christine Lagarde’s crass comments on Greece have caused an understandable furore in that country. But in Niger, there must be just as much contempt for the IMF director. For in dismissing the plight of mothers in Greece, Lagarde also said she felt more sympathy for “the little kids fro ...

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The media witch hunt goes on: stop austerity in Greece!

Three years down the line, with Europe steadily driving Greece to the brink, the international media continues its smear campaign against the Greek people. By Ingeborg Beugel, Dutch journalist and author of The anti-Greece campaign of the international media, a widely-read essay published by ROAR last year. “Connie, how is the situation there in Greece?” “Well, people are quite afraid of the future. I notic ...

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We live in Europe where currently any alternative suggestion about how to structure our society and economy is met with negative criticism by the media and the vast majority of our society. Any movement or development that questions the “economic orthodoxy” is treated at best as non realistic and at worst as dangerous. At the same time, the rise of nationalism, racism, fascism and Nazism does not seem to ra ...

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Failing Greece. Back to the Drachma?

“Austerity has failed because Greek society has been destroyed, the production base has been dissolved. Our country has been in a deep recession for five consecutive years. This has never happened in Europe in peacetime.” –Alexis Tsipras, leader of Greece’s Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) Europe is a trainwreck. The signs of a credit crunch are popping up in countries on the periphery, a slow-motion ...

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