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Italy from Crisis to Crisis

Montism after Monti and the constituent challenge for movements. by Francesco Raparelli   The scenario is very uncertain, yet it is worth to try and guess some developments. Uncertain, because the financial markets attack on Italian bonds has not fully unfolded yet. Within hours, we will hear how dramatically our yield spread over Germany has w ...

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Rise of Fascism in Greece and Europe

Is Greece the Weimar Republic of today? What is the reason for the rise of fascism in Greece and Europe? Is there a relation between fascism, the economic crisis and EU austerity policies? How does the Greek neo-nazi party Golden Dawn take advantage of people's desperation to promote racist violence? What is the role of economic elites in the uprising of fascism? Finally, does fascism help the Greek governm ...

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Greece's austerity: democracy tested to destruction

In the heart of Europe, a democracy now teeters on the edge Editorial   The Guardian, In spring 2010, as Athens wrangled with the IMF and the rest of Europe for what would turn out to be a €110bn emergency loan, a revealing, chilling phrase slipped out. When Greece's then-premier, George Papandreou, begged for easier borrowing terms, he was told by Angela Merkel that the deal had to hurt. According to a wel ...

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Portugal stage biggest protest since 1974 revolution whilst international mainstream media ignores it

Yesterday, Portugal saw the biggest mobilization since the 1974 revolution. Hundreds’s of thousands of people came to the streets to protest the new package of austerity measures being imposed by the troika. 3 People have been arrested for separate incidents. One of those arrested was caught in possession of explosives in front of the IMF offices in Lisbon. There is an uncertain number of injuries due to an ...

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Richard D. Wolff: Can We Remake Our Workplaces To Be More Democratic?

Economist Richard D. Wolff is known as a critic of capitalism, but lately he's been arguing for an alternative: cooperatives. August 11, 2012  | The economic crisis of the past five years has caused a lot of people around the world to question the very foundations of our system -- is capitalism really the best way to do things? One of the biggest problems, though, is that there seems to be no other way to r ...

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European Council on Refugees and Exiles to Greece : Stop “Xenios Zeus” operation

Greece must halt the sweep-operation “Xenios Zeus” and ensure that the right to asylum is guaranteed for persons seeking international protection Brussels, 15 August 2012. On August 2nd the Greek authorities commenced the operation “Xenios Zeus” in the Evros region and Athens. According to Greek officials, the aim of the operation is to seal the Greek border and remove irregular immigrants from the centre o ...

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Mainstream media whitewashes the facts behind TrapWire scandal

The discovery of a surveillance system named TrapWire has connected state and federal law enforcement agencies with a vast intelligence infrastructure, raising questions everywhere — except in the mainstream media. The New York Times finally brought TrapWire into discussion late Monday in an article published on their website that has journalist Scott Shane discarding initial reports made about the surveill ...

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This Is What Democracy Looks Like

Comment by the creator: I edited this small video in homage to those who fight against the tyranny worldwide. A radical, viral video. I am shocked by the violent and systematic repressions of the authorities on the protesters defending our rights, indignant by irresponsible and not democratic political decisions. While trying to be optimistic, I cannot refrain from thinking that we arrive at a point of no r ...

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Robert Mundell, evil genius of the euro

For the architect of the euro, taking macroeconomics away from elected politicians and forcing deregulation were part of the plan The idea that the euro has "failed" is dangerously naive. The euro is doing exactly what its progenitor – and the wealthy 1%-ers who adopted it – predicted and planned for it to do. That progenitor is former University of Chicago economist Robert Mundell. The architect of "supply ...

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We live in Europe where currently any alternative suggestion about how to structure our society and economy is met with negative criticism by the media and the vast majority of our society. Any movement or development that questions the “economic orthodoxy” is treated at best as non realistic and at worst as dangerous. At the same time, the rise of nationalism, racism, fascism and Nazism does not seem to ra ...

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