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Stop the sell out of the VU University Amsterdam! – Sign the petition

Sign the petition. The Concerned VU Group (Verontruste VU’ers) seeks national and international solidarity to stop its Executive Board from the imminent implementation of a Strategic Plan based on a strict business model that has been rejected by the VU University’s Works Council and the Trade Unions. The VU University Amsterdam is no exception to the current European trend of commercializing public educati ...

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Overleg sociaal plan VU loopt stuk

Het overleg tussen Abvakabo FNV, de overige werknemersorganisaties en het College van Bestuur van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) over een sociaal plan is stukgelopen. De VU wil niet tegemoetkomen aan de belangrijkste eisen van medewerkers: geen gedwongen ontslag en een salarisgarantie voor herplaatste werknemers. ...

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What does austerity mean for Greek universities?

Austerity has hit Greek universities in many ways: University budgets (excluding salaries) have been slashed by more than 50%, leading to serious problems (lack of heating, lack of funding for basic needs). Funding for adjunct faculty has been reduced by almost 70% leading to hundreds of lay-offs. Several hundred elected faculty members have been waiting, in some cases even for 2 years, for their official a ...

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The Assault on Public Education

Public education is under attack around the world, and in response, student protests have recently been held in Britain, Canada, Chile, Taiwan and elsewhere. California is also a battleground. The Los Angeles Times reports on another chapter in the campaign to destroy what had been the greatest public higher education system in the world: "California State University officials announced plans to freeze enro ...

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