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Global action team against the IMF and the International Banking system

Direct Power, or dp, is a global action team against the IMF and the international banking system. It will soon become a large organization. dp coordinates action against banks and bankers in different countries. Banks rather than governments are the most important players in today’s capitalism. Because profits in production (industry and agriculture) have remained low since the 1970s, the rich invest money ...

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Guardian: House of the rising repayments

An abandoned 19th-century villa has become a symbol in bricks and mortar of dubious public-private deals. By Aditya Chakrabortty To understand one of the most intriguing stories of the Greek debt crisis you don't need a degree in economics or an expert grasp of Brussels diplomacy – merely a willingness to get a bit muddy. You start with a cramped 15-minute bus ride out of central Athens to a suburb called Z ...

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What makes the IMF think it's right about Greece?

The same economists who failed to predict the 2007 financial crash are still in the driving seat – and just as clueless in a crisis When did the IMF learn about the economy? That's what people around the world should be asking as the IMF presents its latest assessment of the fiscal and economic prospects for nations around the world last week. Much of the world remains mired in the worst downturn since the ...

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Aurélie Trouvé: What I would do as head of the IMF

Today is the deadline for nominations in the race for the IMF leadership, and I have put forward a radically alternative candidate to do the job: me. I am a French economics lecturer and have been the co-chair of the association Attac, an international organisation and network in the global justice movement, for four years. Attac is present in more than 40 countries worldwide, and has tens of thousands of a ...

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