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Threats to democracy in Greece

The crisis in Greece is posing serious threats to democracy and human rights (Report, 15 March). We are particularly concerned about the rise of fascism and racism. The government continues to tolerate the violence and hate speech of the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn. Golden Dawn MPs attack democracy and display symbols of the military junta of 1967-1974; the party recruits supporters unopposed by the authorit ...

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Geen vluchteling op straat of in de cel – 23 maart – Amsterdam

Tijd voor protest! Per jaar wordt van duizenden vluchtelingen het verzoek om asiel afgewezen. Dit zijn wij, de ‘uitgeprocedeerde asielzoekers’ die volgens de Nederlandse overheid terug moeten naar ons land. Maar in een groot deel van de gevallen is dat onmogelijk. Omdat het land van herkomst niet de juiste papieren verstrekt, ons niet meer accepteert, of omdat we moeten terugkeren naar landen waar het, ook ...

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Europe’s hard borders

Matthew Carr investigates the brutal border regimes of our ‘gated continent’ and suggests the possibility of a different politics of solidarity. In the aftermath of the cold war, the more utopian prophets of globalisation hailed the advent of a new ‘borderless’ world in which national borders would become irrelevant and obsolete. Since then governments across the world have dismantled barriers and tariffs a ...

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Amsterdam’s Refugee Camp evicted and church squatted

Netherlands, 7 dec 2012 [flagallery gid=4 name=Gallery] Three month old migrant protest camp Osdorp/Amsterdam evicted – 96 undocumented arrested, 86 released, 1 deported -; followed by big church squatted for continuation protest in western suburb of Amsterdam; protest camp in The Hague threatened with eviction. Photo report of eviction: Photo report of Flight church: htt ...

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Migrant Camps in Europe: Open the doors! We have the right to know!

The reality of administrative detention of foreigners, a familiar instrument of European migration policies, is hidden from civil society and to the media. Such secrecy makes abuses and attacks on human rights both more likely and harder to combat [1]. European citizens have the right to know the consequences of the policies which are put in place in their names. As part of the civil society campaign “Open ...

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The other Greek crisis

EPA photo The most important statistic that came out of Greece this week had nothing to do with the economy. The EU said that 300 migrants are illegally crossing the border from Turkey every single day. Frontex, the EU Border Control agency which has monitors on the Greek-Turkish border, said that the total number for the month of October was 9,600, representing "an absolute monthly record". It describes th ...

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