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I don’t feel like dancin’

Lynne Segal says those eager to dance on Thatcher’s grave have much thinking to do. ‘Margaret Thatcher is Dead: This lady is not returning!’ is one way of the calmer statements celebrating Thatcher’s demise on my Facebook page. I can’t join the clamour singing ‘Ding dong the witch is dead’, trailing as it does its horrific historical sexism. More sadly, I can’t see anything to celebrate. Whilst this once fo ...

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An unfair and hated tax

The Tory Government had decided to implement a new tax on April 1st 1990 to replace local government taxation systems. They described as their most important, 'flagship' legislation. It was to be a tax on each person rather than on property (as before). The government named it the 'Community Charge', but protestors dubbed it 'the Poll Tax', drawing parallels with the legendary Poll Tax mass uprisings in 138 ...

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Red in a blue world

President Hugo Chávez, who died on 5 March, started the movement that transformed Latin America. He began on the left and went further leftwards during his time in power, unlike most world leaders who took the opposite route. If you asked someone in a European street if they knew the names of the Uzbek president, Saudi king or Danish prime minister — the leaders of three countries similar in size, populatio ...

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Once Again, Lenders Ask Greece for Additional Cuts

ATHENS — It has been so elaborately repeated that it almost borders on ritual: Greece’s troika of lenders leaves Athens with disagreement over whether the country should receive billions of euros in fresh financial aid. Greek officials scramble to tackle demands for more austerity to obtain the money, even as social distress deepens. The cycle was staged again Thursday as the Greek government tried to figur ...

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Tax haven Netherlands and austerity: What to do?

Why is the Netherlands a tax haven? What kind of consequences does this have for our country, and others? Who gains, and who loses? Real World Economics presents an evening, together with the Center for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO), where we will discuss the answers to these questions. More importantly, alternatives will be presented that can tackle the issue of tax injustice. Unitary taxat ...

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Action at SNS bank in Amsterdam

No subsidy for empty buildings Friday February the 1st the SNS bank was nationalised. When we are continuously told that there is no money and that cuts to public services are necessary it turns out that there is still 3.7 billion euro left to save a bank and its extensive real estate portfolio. For years trees grew to the sky and no building project was too much for SNS. Now tax payers have to pay the bill ...

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Whose free press?

Latin American presidents have attempted to regulate by law the content of media owned and controlled by a very few private individuals, and to reduce the concentration of that ownership. The task is not an easy one. Brazil’s president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva drafted a media bill a few months before he left office, intended to regulate content and reduce the concentration of media ownership — 14 families ...

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Greece is on sale in a scandalous way!

The reportage of Envoyé Spécial, broadcast on French TV provides evidence to a scandalous story that took place in Northern Greece. This story concerns the beautiful forest land “Skouries” that was sold by the Greek state to the Canadian mining company "Eldorado Gold" in order to exploit its precious subsoil and therefore be enormously profited from it. The forest though has been assigned for the symbolic p ...

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Study of the IME GSEVEE: “Income – Expenses of Households ”

This is part of a press release published in the 7th if February by the the Small Enterprises’ Institute of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Merchants (IME GSEVEE). The institute a non-profit organization that carries out studies and surveys, concerning the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises of the Greek economy. Although the approach of the study is strictly business-orient ...

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