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Anne Frank’s Amsterdam: Nazi Occupation Of The Dutch Capital Contrasted With Images Of The Modern City

These incredible 'then-and-now' images show Anne Frank's Amsterdam contrasted with shots of the city from today. The pictures, which are part of an app called Anne Frank’s Amsterdam, show the Dutch capital under the occupation of the Nazis, with modern views set against dramatic black and white images of tanks, soldiers and refugees. Anne, who lived in hiding between 1942 and 1944, was eventually discovered ...

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Pro zwarte piet manifestatie orgie van racisme

AFA Nederland Afgelopen zaterdag (26-10-2013) manifesteerden zo’n 500 mensen voor het behoud van zwarte piet binnen het sinterklaasfeest. Onder de manifestanten bevonden zich zo’n 30 neo-nazi’s, mensen van de PVV en kwam het tot een flinke racistische uitspatting tegen een gekleurde vrouw. “Oprotten zwarte, terug naar je eigen land!” werd er geschreeuwd. Een gekleurde vrouw met een vlag van West Papua was o ...

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De crisis in Griekenland wordt de laatste jaren steeds als excuus door de regeringen gebruikt om grotere bezuinigingen in Nederland en de rest van Europa te realiseren. De regeringen gebruiken Griekenland of als afschrikwekkend voorbeeld (we moeten onze zaken op orde hebben anders worden we zoals Griekenland) of als noodzakelijk kwaad (de Nederlandse burger moet belastinggeld betalen voor het redden van Gri ...

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AUSTERITY BREEDS FASCISM On the evening of 17th September in a neighborhood of Athens, the 34-year old hip-hop artist and antifascist activist Pavlos Fyssas was murdered by a gang of the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn. The murderer admitted to be a member of Golden Dawn while it is known that he is on the party's payroll. This crime was a follow-up to the violent attack of Golden Dawn last week against members ...

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Say “NO!” To War in Syria – Demonstration against foreign military intervention (31/8 Den Haag)

On the early mornings of August 21st, an alleged chemical attack took place in the outskirts of Damascus. It is still largely unclear who is responsible for this act, but the parallels with the prelude to the invasion of Iraq are astounding. Without any definite proof the Mainstream Media has conveniently manipulated the emotions of millions and used this event to galvanize the public into supporting yet an ...

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The Netherlands haven for companies that violate human rights

The Netherlands is host to companies that are involved in human rights violations all over the world. This follows from new research by SOMO (The Research Centre on Multinational Corporations) on the relationship between Dutch tax and investment policy attracting international businesses to the Netherlands, and human rights. Whilst the Dutch government, in its recently published policy statement on corporat ...

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No Border Camp in Rotterdam, 2 -10 August.

While Dutch politicians are taking their summer holidays, human rights campaigners and activists are coming from all over Europe and elsewhere to Rotterdam to build a strong front against the government and its prison industrial complex engaged in discrimination, repression and detention of refugees coming to the Netherlands. Despite widespread condemnation, including from the UN and Amnesty International, ...

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Amsterdam, Sunday, June 16: Demonstration of the Greek Communist Party against the shutdown of ERT

The grassroots organization of the Communist Party of Greece in the Netherlands call the immigrants and local workers in mobilization on Sunday, June 16 at 15:00 in Dam square in Amsterdam, against the unacceptable government's decision to shutdown the Greek Public Broadcasting (ERT). The shutdown will result to 2,700 job cuts and moreover it will deliver the public property, paid by the Greek people, to th ...

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