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ERT workers vow to continue broadcasts after govt shutdown

 Staff continue broadcasts on web Screens went blank hours on Tuesday after a government announcement that it was closing national broadcaster ERT for an unspecified period of time and lay off over 2,600 workers, presenting it as a cost-cutting drive demanded by the troika A 'no signal ' sign appears on the public ERT, NET and ERT3 channels, after the government suspended state television and radio broadcas ...

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Solidarity from Syntagma to Taksim!

 [ 7th  June 2013. Beursplein, Amsterdam ] Solidarity with protesters in Turkey For many days, Turkish people have been taking to the streets to fight for their future. For many years, they have been facing the brutal repression of undemocratic regimes. The Turkish people paid the price of the economic crisis in the beginning of the previous decade and the ‘recovery’ that followed. The well-known recipe of ...

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Benefit dinner in Amsterdam supporting [independent media community]

REINFORM organises a 3-course vegan dinner at MKZ (Eerste Schinkelstraat 16, Amsterdam). This time we try to support the crowd-funding campaign of, an independent media community in Athens, Greece. Radiobubble is an open medium for communication and information, run by a community of volunteers. We’re based in Athens, even though many of us live in other cities around the world. We operate on ...

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Solidarity to the uprising Turkish people

Photo from Amsterdam   We follow closely what is happening these days in Taksim and elsewhere in Turkey. We wholeheartedly support you and your fair demands. A protest of only 500 people trying to protect the trees in Gezi park is now the struggle of thousands of you against state violence and fascism. Contrary to what the governments of both countries are trying to convince us, Greeks and Turks share ...

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Black Panthers to Golden Dawn: ‘Don’t mess with black people’

Self-defense group set up night-time patrols to protect against attacks Nicknamed the Black Panthers, a new self-defence brigade wants to protect themselves from racists who are targeting people who are not ethnic Greeks Michael Chege (Screengrab from Channel 4) Fed up of being the target of Golden Dawn gangs, a group of Athens residents has decided to take on the extremists by setting up night-time patrols ...

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Map of grassroots groups in Greece

By Still think Greeks are sitting idle, the helpless victims of events in their country? Think again. In March and April 2013 we carried out a study to map all the grassroots movements in Greece who are stepping in where the system is failing. Here's the result: a poster showing all the groups that are currently active in Greece, split into nine categories from neighbourhood assemblies to  ...

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The Netherlands: Administrative detention, chasing refugees and the case of the hunger strikers

The Netherlands, once a showcase for tolerance, is quickly degrading into a country where human rights are just a vague memory from the past. Refugees in search for a safe haven find themselves being locked up indefinitely in a prison regime. Independent medical attention is being made as difficult as possible. Politics crushes basic human rights and it actually seems like a large group of the voters – fed ...

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Utrecht (Netherlands): Eviction Ubica

Saturday May 25th at 3pm, the last squatter of the Ubica was removed from the building. Since friday evening 11pm, police and riot police were busy evicting the building on the Ganzenmarkt in Utrecht. After nine month procedures, the higher court decided on friday that the squatters had to leave the building by monday. The squatters took the initiative not to wait. “The authorities choose the confrontation. ...

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Solidarity Hunger strike in The Hague

On Thursday, May 16th, 10:00, a two-day solidarity hunger strike will start at the Plein in The Hague, to show our support to the hunger- and thirst strike in detention center Rotterdam. We want to draw attention to Dutch asylum policy which aims to exclude refugees from society and call for an immediate policy change. Descent asylum policy ensures that people in emergency are guaranteed safety and a future ...

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