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Europe's Crisis Is Germany's Blessing

Its neighbors may be suffering, but the euro crisis has created conditions that actually benefit the German economy. Not only is the government enjoying the windfall of negative interest rates on bonds, but unemployment is down and exports are booming. By Stefan Schultz   It's every debtor's dream. When asked for a loan, the bank not only agrees, but actually pays the borrower for their patronage. It s ...

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Spanish workers occupy a Duke’s estate and turn it into a farm

Earlier this week in Andalusia, hundreds of unemployed farmworkersbroke through a fence that surrounded an estate owned by the Duke of Segorbe, and claimed it as their own. This is the latest in a series of farm occupations across the region within the last month. Their aim is to create a communal agricultural project - similar to other occupied farms, in order to and breathe new life into a region that has ...

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Spanish 'Robin Hood' mayor sets off on three-week march

Juan Manuel Sanchez Gordillo, mayor of Marinaleda plans to march across Andalusia and persuade local leaders to skip debt payments! A Spanish mayor who became a cult hero for staging robberies at supermarkets and giving stolen groceries to the poor sets off this week on a three-week march that could embarrass the government and energise anti-austerity campaigners. Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, mayor of the ...

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Juan Antonio Samaranch: A fascist who moulded the Olympic games

The backers of the 2012 Olympics ignore Juan Antonio Samaranch’s horrible history, writes Matthew Cookson [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="250"] ‘We are the Masters . . . for a few more months.’ Samaranch, fourth from right, surrounded by fascist deadbeats in 1974 mourning Adolf Hitler ([/caption] The obitu ...

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Massive protests in Spain against austerity cuts

MADRID (AP) — Tens of thousands of angry Spaniards protested in 80 cities throughout Spain on Thursday against the government's latest austerity package, blaming officials for "ruining" the country. Protesters flooded Madrid's main Puerta del Sol square and the streets in front of parliament late into the night. Large deployments of riot police manned barricades in front of the legislature, fearing rising t ...

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The Spreading Crisis – From Greece to Spain

”The Greek economy is truly broken. The circuits of credit are so badly damaged that even efficient, profitable firms have been cut out of the capital markets …. Moreover, the new spending cuts… will give the forces of recession another boost. To cut a long story short, there is no doubt that such loosening up will simply prolong the agonising death of the Greek social economy.” –Yanis Varoufakis, economist ...

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Why are the Spanish miners protesting? Key points of the conflict.

The 200 miners that were walking the “Black Marches” since the 22nd of June, have finally arrived in Madrid this week, only to be swallowed up by thousands of demonstrators who have taken to the streets again in support of their struggle. They have come to protest the Spanish government's decision to renege on their commitment to subsidize the sector until 2018, a decision that will affect all of the mining ...

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'Spain is rising up!' Raging miners invade Madrid

Thousands of Spanish miners and their supporters flooded the streets of Madrid in a second day of mass protests, just hours after the country’s leader announced a nationwide tax hike. Workers marched up the city’s main avenue, wearing hardhats and carrying walking sticks, to protest outside the Industry Ministry. Many walked for nearly three weeks in the blazing sun before finally reaching Madrid. The crowd ...

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The less we work, the more we do/Hoe minder we werken, hoe meer we doen

(voor Nederlands scroll down) An evening of debate on new activist movements, traditional workers organizations, creation of jobs and the end of unlimited exploitation of resources. Case study: Steelworkers and miners strikes in Greece and Spain.Organized by Take the Square-Zuid Holland and REinFORM WHERE: Vondelbunker, Amsterdam WHEN: 14th of July, Saturday, from 18'00 to 21'00  In October 2011, Greek ...

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Indefinite strike by miners in Spain

By Lupax 1st of May, 1962. The dictator Franco organizes a pompous and festive spectacle for workers from all over the State for Labor day. In this way, the Regime presents itself as a machine for peace between social classes. But behind this apparent harmony, the miners in Asturias have been striking for already a month. This social conflict became one of the biggest challenges that the dictator had to con ...

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