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Tunisia’s revolution annexed

Almost everyone in Tunisia believes that the benefits of the revolution are in danger. Perhaps from a “secular” opposition that refuses to admit that the conservative An-Nahda Islamists were the clear winners in the National Constituent Assembly elections in October 2011. Or from the An-Nahda Islamists, who want to use their victory to infiltrate the state from within, while exploiting the fear inspired by ...

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The factory of Vio.Me (Industrial Mineral) starts production under workers’ control!

IN THE HEART OF THE CRISIS, THE WORKERS OF VIO.ME. ARE AIMING FOR THE HEART OF EXPLOITATION AND PROPERTY. With unemployment climbing to 30%, workers’ income reaching zero, sick and tired of big words, promises and more taxes, unpaid since May 2011 and currently withholding their labour, with the factory abandoned by the employers, the workers of Vio.Me. by decision of their general assembly declare their de ...

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Solidarity to the striking seamen

Today, the government once again called for the requisition of workers in strike. This time it was the turn of the seamen that are struggling against the abolishment of their collective employment agreement and other regulations that protect their working rights. The new legislation of the government leads to layoffs and further wage cuts. Despite the requisition the union of the seamen just decided the con ...

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Greek Government Threatens Striking Seamen With Arrests Unless They Resume Work

Over the weekend we reported on the second Greek strike of the year, the first being that of subway workers which ended prematurely into its ninth day when the government threatened to arrest all strikers who had snarled traffic in Athens to a halt, this time involving Greek seamen who had left the Greek isles in geographic isolation for a week. Earlier today, the strike which had gone on for a week, was vo ...

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Solidarity to the public transport strikers in Greece from the Amsterdam public transport trade union

"To the Greek workers in the public transport The trade union Advakabo of the Amsterdam public transport group (GVB) wants to express its support and solidarity to your resistance against the salary cuts and the impending dismissal that you are about to face, if you continue with the planned strikes. We, as members of the trade union in the public sector, also fight in our country against austerity measures ...

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Solidarity to the public-transport strikers in Greece

  Workers and employees of Athens metro, urban train and the tram are facing wage cuts for the 4rth time in the last 2 years. Their salaries have been already reduced up to 45%. Now, the government wants to abolish their collective labor agreements that provide the minimum salaries for their particular sector and apply a payroll, common for all civil workers instead. The workers want to defend their co ...

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Why we are striking against austerity in Europe

Spain: Fernando Lezcano: 'The sacrifice is not being shared'   The European Trade Union Confederation has called a day of action and solidarity throughout Europe on 14 November to fight against the austerity policies being deployed throughout Europe. This day of action will mean a general strike in this country, which, for the first time in recent history, will also be simultaneously held in other Euro ...

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Solidarity to workers of Viom. Metal. from Copenhagen

On Saturday 3/11/2012 a solidarity event was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, for the financial support of the VIOMET factory workers. The purpose of the event was to demonstrate the support and solidarity to the workers that fight for the self-management of the factory. The event was organized by the political group Crisis Mirror. Crisis Mirror is based and operates in Copenhagen for about a year now, and it c ...

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