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Insight: In Greece, loan sharks compound the pain.

By Amie Ferris-Rotman for ATHENS (Reuters) - For self-made businessman Dimitrios, the threats began with a phone call from a man who said they knew where his daughter was. At first the 57-year-old window installer kept quiet about the calls. When his car was torched in front of his house, he hid the blackened metal shell from his family. But when he awoke to his wife's screams at a huge banner t ...

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Merkel and Sarkozy want Samaras to sign to secure Leopard and Rafale sales, agreed with Papandreou

By Kassandra at When, in late October, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy agreed with the-then Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou to grant Greece the €110 billion mega-loan, the latter agreed, in return for the loan, to purchase military supplies from Germany and France, worth €10.5bn. The purchases made were to be in equal parts between Germany and France. T ...

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All electric power to the people! Electricity trade union occupies office for disconnection orders in Athens

By Occupied London. On Sunday, trade unionists of GENOP-DEI, the union of the Public Power Corporation, occupied the building issuing the electricity disconnection orders for households that have failed to pay their bills. As of a few weeks ago, the latest bills now include the latest property tax imposed by the government, typically including hundreds of euros per property, making payment for thousands a n ...

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The Serpent’s Egg hatchlings in Greece’s postmodern Great Depression

A brief history of the racist/fascist/neonazi penetration of Greece’s new ‘technocratic’ government It will prove George Papandreou’s ugliest legacy: that his last-minute childish maneuvering to maximise his waning hold on power (while negotiating his eviction from the PM’s job), has brought into the new ‘national unity’ government four self-declared racists (some of whom are neo-Fascists and one a neo-Nazi ...

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The other Greek crisis

EPA photo The most important statistic that came out of Greece this week had nothing to do with the economy. The EU said that 300 migrants are illegally crossing the border from Turkey every single day. Frontex, the EU Border Control agency which has monitors on the Greek-Turkish border, said that the total number for the month of October was 9,600, representing "an absolute monthly record". It describes th ...

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Solidarity call to Greece for 17th of November from Amsterdam,Brussels and Paris

In Berlin, Paris, Rome, Amsterdam, Madrid and Brussels, different actions will be carried out in solidarity to the Greek people.   Today is the first day of the usual 3-days celebration for the anti-Junta revolt in 1973, in Greece. Back then, students, joined later on by other people, occupied the Polytechnical University in Athens demanding democracy and denouncing the “fake elections” the Junta had o ...

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Generous minimum wage a myth in Greek labor wasteland

By Renee Maltezou (Reuters) - From Berlin to Bratislava, indignant Europeans have gasped at stories of the relatively high wages and generous benefits enjoyed by Greek workers, whose fabled laid-back lifestyles have been blamed for helping bring the euro zone to its knees. Athens' international lenders have pushed for cuts to the 750 euro minimum monthly wage to boost competitiveness, a welcome call for Ger ...

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'Bread, Education, Freedom !' The junta is back to Greece

Documentary and discussion evening 'Bread, Education, Freedom !' The junta is back to Greece Beursplein Occupy Amsterdam Wednesday, November 16 8:30pm - 10:30pm     Thirty seven (37) years after the fall of the dictatorship in Greece, the historical time clock seems to be turning back. Instead of the US-backed military dictatorship of 1967-1974, a new IMF-EU-back economic dictatorship is being est ...

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Loukas Papademos – The nobleman of the banks

A lobbyist of the multinational elite was appointed prime minister of Greece, an undemocratic political deviation that must be annulled by massive and decisive popular action. PASOK and Nea Democratia agreed at last, after a marathon of consultations, to commonly appoint Loukas Papademos as prime minister. “Democratic Alliance” and LAOS supported the procedure with enthusiasm, while the “Democratic Left” an ...

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Three-ring circus

by George Gilson: George Papandreou, Antonis Samaras and Yiorgos Karatzaferis have turned Greece into a three-ring circus, and both the people and the press are enraged. The unconscionable collusion of the prime minister and his old college chum, conservative leader Antonis Samaras, in choosing Papandreou’s alter ego – parliament speaker Filippos Petsalnikos – as premier in a “unity” government created an u ...

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