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ERT workers vow to continue broadcasts after govt shutdown

 Staff continue broadcasts on web Screens went blank hours on Tuesday after a government announcement that it was closing national broadcaster ERT for an unspecified period of time and lay off over 2,600 workers, presenting it as a cost-cutting drive demanded by the troika A 'no signal ' sign appears on the public ERT, NET and ERT3 channels, after the government suspended state television and radio broadcas ...

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It’s high time IMF ceases to exist and the Greek government resigns

You can find the recent report from IMF on Greece here: Link [pdf] Some read the recent IMF report on Greece as a mea culpa for its mistakes in the Greek bailout. We see it differently. You can say sorry for an unintended mistake, a miscalculation. The case we have here is not an accident. IMF’s inhumane and otherwise ineffective policies are not, as IMF asserts, the result of a methodological error, simply ...

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RUINS: Chronicle of an HIV witch-hunt – A new documentary by radiobubble.

In May 2012, in the run-up to the general election, the Greek authorities rounded up hundreds of women from the streets of Athens. They made them take rapid tests for HIV. Those diagnosed positive were charged with prostitution and the intent to spread the virus. Their mug shots, names and personal details were published in the media. They were imprisoned. And they became unwitting pawns in a political game ...

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Anti-austerity protests: Spain, Germany, Portugal

MADRID (AP) — Anti-austerity protesters on Saturday took to the streets of dozens of European cities, including Madrid, Frankfurt and Lisbon, to express their anger at government cuts they say are making the financial crisis worse by stifling growth and increasing unemployment. Thousands marched peacefully toward Madrid's central Neptuno fountain near Parliament, chanting "Government, resign." ...

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AUSTERITY’S DRUG OF CHOICE – Sisa Is Destroying the Lives of Athens’s Homeless People

By Alex Miller Part1 Part2 A meeting with an anarchist in Exarcheia, a district of Athens. Photos by Henry Langston.   Standing in the Athens police headquarters, interviewing the director of the drug unit, I realised I had a bag of chemically enhanced crystal meth in my pocket. I’d bought it the night before from a Greek homeless man and had forgotten to throw it away. After the interview, I stepped o ...

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Southern Europeans Flock to Germany

               Associated Press  German flags wave in front of the Reichstag building in Berlin. FRANKFURT—Immigration to Germany hit a 17-year high last year as Southern Europeans flocked north to escape economic recession and search for jobs, fueling the debate over the consequences of immigration for the German economy. In all, 1.08 million people moved to Germany last year, or 13% more than in 2011, Ger ...

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IMF chief Christine Lagarde interview in Amsterdam interrupted by student demonstration

AMSTERDAM — International Monetary Fund head Christine Lagarde’s appearance at the University of Amsterdam has been interrupted by chanting students. IMF Managing Director Lagarde was speaking to students about the European debt crisis when organized students mixed in with the audience began interrupting pre-approved questions, apparently with criticism of the fund’s policies. Security guards grabbed severa ...

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Screening of the documentary ” Into the Fire” in Amsterdam.

ReINFORM invites you to the screening of the documentary " Into the Fire" at 8th of May in Cavia filmhuis in Amsterdam. In times of severe austerity things look bleak for Greek people, but they’re far worse for those who have recently arrived. Without housing, legal papers or support, migrants in Greece are faced with increasing and often violent racism at the hands of the growing Nazi party Golden Dawn and ...

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Protests in Madrid Against Public Health Privatization

Sunday, April 21. A massive demonstration was staged in the main streets of the capital to protest the plans of the government of the Community of Madrid to privatize the management of six hospitals and 27 health centers. Tens of thousands of people joined this Sunday the so called White Tide, an allusion to the color of the doctors' white coat, to demand free, quality public health. Users and professionals ...

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The Real Cyprus Template (The One You’re Not Supposed To Notice)

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog, The Real Cyprus Template reveals the core-periphery Neocolonial-Financialization Model in all its predatory glory. Much has been said about "the Cyprus Template" (the so-called bail-in, where deposits are expropriated to recapitalize the insolvent banks), but virtually nothing has been written about the Real Cyprus Template. Longtime correspondent David P. ...

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